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"Dr Strange is keeping America captive in the Hong Kong Sanctum. However she doesn't know she's being held captive. Strange had convinced her she's to dangerous to exist in the outside world and she believes him. So she will struggle and refuse to go with you. But you must make her.

Once we have her she'll realize we did her a favor. Freeing her. And hell, she lost her moms when she was really little. She can bring them back too if she really wanted too." Wanda explained.

"Okay.." Mj had her back towards Wanda. Preparing for the witch to remove the chip in the base of her neck. She knew it was going to hurt like hell but what other choice did she have.

"Take a deep breath in." Wanda instructed and Mj obliged. She felt a white hot pain in the back of her neck but she stood very still. She got jolted backwards and landed in Wanda's lap. Wanda had just her magic to remove the chip.

"Fuck." Mj cried and held the back of her neck.

"I know honey I'm so sorry." Wanda rubbed Mj's head.

Out of no where it hit her. The strength. The power. The invincibility. She got them back. She sat up quickly.

"Oh Wanda. Oh my god." Mj made a fist and purple glow surrounded them. "I'm ready. How the hell do I get to Hong Kong?"

"Fly there. It's not hard." Wanda suggested.

"I- I can fly there?" Mj asked.

"Honey you can do more than just fly. You can manipulate matter. You created a whole new world in Maple Twine Park. You can do this." Wanda encouraged.

"How will I know where it is?" Mj asked.

"Ugh never fucking mind I'll just make you a portal." Wanda lashed out in sudden frustration. Mj was taken aback. Wanda was so understanding and kind a minute ago. "Here." A red wavy portal opened before Mj. It almost looked like Strange's portal but cursed. "Your about a mile away from the sanctum. Just go north."

"O-Okay." Mj wstepped threw.

"Only Wong is there. Stephen is at the New York sanctum dealing with Peter- his death I mean." Wanda finished.

"Okay that makes me feel better. And where is American?" Mj asked.

"Oh my god. Do I have to do everything!" Wanda yelled.

"Please stop yelling at me." Mj covered her ears. Wanda's angry eyes instantly turned soft

"Sorry. I'm sorry honey." Wanda wrapped her arms around Mj's head comfortingly. "AmErica will probably want to fight with Wong. She'll come to you. Just keep Wong distracted and America will come."

"Okay. I'm ready." She put on a black jacket and pulled the hood over her head. Step through the portal, she was in a busy city.

"Go that way and you'll fine it." Wanda pointed forward. "Just shout when you get her and I'll be able to hear you and open the portal."

Mj began to casually walk down the street. She knew if she fly up towards the sanctum Wong would see her coming. She wanted to suprise him to give her the upper hand.

She shoved her hands in her pockets, hiding her purple glow. Keeping her head low. She continued straight until she saw a familiar building. The Hong Kong Sanctum looked almost identical to the one in New York. It wasn't hard to miss.

She didn't have a real plan. How would she even know what America looks like? She kept reminding herself what would happen if she got America. She'd have her father back. She'd have her Peter back.

She kept imagining what her life would be like in a few days. Mj wanted more than anything to do something as stupid as sit on her couch with Peters head in her lap. She's be playing with his hair while talking to Tony. She'd tell Tony how much she missed him. Tell him about how her life has changed.

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