Super Serum

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Mj was laying in bed with Harry two years after their first date. It most certainly not their first time 'fonduing' though Mj felt bad at first, but she came to realize she did deserve happiness.

The sun was coming up and Mj was cold. Harry always kept his apartment cold, despite Mj telling him she was always freezing at his house.

She rolled out of his bed, Harry still passed out. Another night of mediocre sex, he'd never be Peter, that's for sure. But Mj enjoyed his company, she liked Harry. But she couldn't say she loved him. Even though she had accepted his marriage proposal, she never said I love you to him yet.

"Mmmm where are you going baby." Harry asked feeling Mj get out of the bed.

"I'm getting clothes it's cold." Mj said throwing on her sweat shirt. Well it was Peters mid town tech sweatshirt but at this point it was more hers then Peters.

"Okay." Harry laid back down and rolled over.

Mj laid back in his bed. Harry never rolled over to embrace her.

"Can I turn off your fan? I'm really cold." Mj asked.

"Of course baby." Harry mumbled and Mj shut off the fan and climbed back into bed. Harry finally turned around to look at her.
"You look hot in your old high school sweat shirt." He looked.

"Thanks." Mj played with his hair. He used too much product- it made it stringy.

"I love you." He hummed.

"Harry-," Mj began to say but Harry interrupted her.

"Stop, you don't have to say it back. I don't expect you too. I don't want you to say it if your not comfortable okay?" Harry hushed.

"Okay. I just don't want you to be mad I'm not ready." Mj sighed.

"I'm not." Harry assured her. "We gotta go visit dads office today, he wants to see the ring and he wants to talk to you about something. I don't know what he's going say. It's probably going to be one of his stupid monologues, just sit through it. Ignore him. I've already been lectured for getting engaged to a stark." Harry laughed.

"Oh I'm prepared. I told dad he has to be nice at the wedding." Mj giggled.

"I don't think your dad likes me too much." Harry confessed.

"Yeah well Norman doesn't particularly like me either. It's a billionaire feud." Mj laughed.

"Does he not like me because I'm not Peter?" Harry questioned.

Mj stopped for a moment. Her smile turned fake.

"No that's not why. He was happy I was going out with someone, just not happy to discover you were an Osborn." Mj faked a chuckle.

"Okay." Harry said. Mj knew he was self conscious, knowing he would not replace Peter in her heart. "Again just ignore any rude comments or anything dad says."


Harry drove them to the new OSCORP building early that morning.

"Harry my dear boy thank you for bringing Mary Jane dear. We have much to discuss i am very happy to hear about your recent engagement." Norman was being weirdly nice to the couple.

"Thanks dad. I know you asked me to leave you and Mary alone. Please be nice." Harry pulled him into a hug and whispered that to him.

"Of course I'll be nice. Im always nice, I'm no stark." Norman winked and turned to Mary Jane. "Darling future bride, why don't you join me in my office." Norman said slowly as he held open the door for her.

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