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Mj was successful in getting food for herself. She came back to the hospital room with an armful of food, everyone was still asleep.

She set the bags of chips and snacks on her bed and crawled back in.

Her stomach was really burning now, but it was worth it to get food. She tried to chomp on the chips as quietly as she could. Wow was she hungry. She must be dehydrated or something because her head hurt like hell

After a while her stomach skin almost... almost felt wet? She looked down her hospital gown and saw she had bleed through her bandage. Panicked, she looked around her bed for a button to call a nurse.

Why was she bleeding? Maybe she wasn't allowed to walk yet, but nobody informed her. She had no choice but to wake Peter.

"Pete." Mj gently shook him. "Peter I messed up."

"Mhhh?" He shot up when he heard her heart race. "What's wrong? Are you okay. Jesus Mary Jane!" He saw her stomach. The blood was leaking through the thin dress. "What happened."

"I think I need a nurse Peter." Mj winced at the blood.

"Y-yeah, you definitely do. Nurse!" Peter limped and yelled as he opened the hall door. It woke Michelle and Miles.

"Oh no what did you do!" Miles said.

The white cloth around her stomach was stained dark red. How did she not notice this. She felt faint but knew she couldn't fall asleep

"Did you get up? Why didn't you wake one of us." Michelle asked. "Your not supposed to be walking right now, you'll stretch out the stitches."

"Nobody... told me." Mj was seeing black patches now. She was gonna faint. She felt dizzy and sick, ready to go under, but she forced herself to stay awake.

A nurse ran in and cut away her bloodied bandage, fixing her stitches and sticking an IV in Mj's arm.

Mj saw Peter gag at the Iv, making her giggle lightly.

"Your gonna be fine. Just don't move your torso as much, I know it's hard I'm sorry." The nurse said.

"Thank you." Mj replied feeling clean with her new bandage over her stitches.

"Do you need anything else?" The nurse asked.

"No I think I'm alright, Peter?" Mj asked Peter.

"W- oh no. Thank you." He said

"What about your leg, you stepped on it?" Mj asked.

"I'm fine." Peter said quickly. The nurse left the room. "I can put weight on it, it's getting better. But wouldn't it be suspicious if It healed that fast. I don't want people to start to wonder." Peter said.

"Oh okay, good idea. I'm glad your leg is better." Mj sighed.

"What do you think you were doing miss girl?" Michelle asked.

"You guys were asleep, and I was hungry. I don't know I wanted food. Nobody told me I shouldn't be walking." Mj said.

She felt bad for making them feel worried again, thinking she was such a pain. Such a burden to her friends.

After ten days in the hospital, the stitches healed very well. Peter was perfectly fine, from his super healing, and Mj was ready to go home.

Miles had fed Andy for them and Michelle would come by every day after work. Her and Harry had moved in together, so Harry would come visit too.

Mj had done all her work from her laptop. Jj made it very clear she did not have medical insurance, but she didn't care. She didn't need it anyway. Nearly all the nurses and doctors had either blipped or had a family member blip, so they refused to have Mj pay for her and Peters medical bills. Mj felt like it was ridiculous but Happy told her to let it slide

The Tragedy of Mary Jane StarkWhere stories live. Discover now