The Doc vs the Girl

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After Peter heard the giant thud and the rawr, he knew it wasn't a usual power outage. There was something in the building.

"Stay here all of you. I'm gonna go check on Dr Osborn." Peter said running down the hallway.

He knew Mj was smart enough to not follow him, especially after that horrific rawr. He ran down the hall as fast as he could. He didn't put on his Spider-Man mask yet, not wanting people to think Spider-Man was a guest at the dinner party. He did however have his webs out just in case.

He slammed open Norman's office door. Inside was Venom forcing the giant doors behind Norman's desk closed. The door that Peter discovered during his interview.

The moment Norman and venom noticed they had a witness, venom disappeared leaving Eddie in his place.

"How much of that did you see Parker?" Norman asked.

Peter glanced at Eddie, he gave Peter a slight shake of the head no.

"What- was that thing?" Peter realized what Eddie meant. Play dumb.

"Peter; that was a special experiment of mine. That black monster you see. Just an illusion. An illusion of mass. Nothing to be alarmed about." Norman smiled.

"Ohh okay, that makes sense." Peter said. He knew Norman was lying. But Eddie still gave him that uncertain look. Peter didn't know who to trust, but at this point playing dumb seemed to be the safest option.

"Peter this is my, associate, Eddie Brock." Norman introduced.

"Good to meet you sir." Peter said awkwardly shaking Eddie's hand. He could feel the sweat building on the back of his neck.

"You too kid." Eddie was a better actor than Peter. He was stoned faced.

"Norman! Norman." Doc Ock came running into Norman's office. "Oh uh, sorry Peter I didn't realize you were in here."

"What is it Otto." Norman sounded annoyed.

"We gotta code yellow sir and a code red." The Doc said and a smile crept on Norman's face. A wicked smile.

"Excellent. Uh Peter go back up to the party. Doc Ock and I will get the power back up and running." Norman swiftly left his office.

Eddie watched them run down the hall. When they were far enough away he turned towards Peter.

"Watcha ya doing here kid?" Eddie seemed really nervous.

"Non of your business." Peter said firmly.

"Just- listen to me. I'm sorry I threatened you and your friend. And Mj. God do I feel bad about that. But please listen to what I am saying to you. You need to keep Mary Jane away from Norman Osborn. You need to keep Spider-Man away from Norman Osborn: ya hear? You'll get nothing but trouble." Eddie said.

A nervous lump was forming in Peters throat. He swallowed hard.

"Don't tell me what to do." Peter choked out. He didn't know if he could really trust Eddie yet.

"Is she here tonight?" Eddie asked.

"What's behind that door?" Peter blurted out.

"These are the questions that are gonna get you and Mary Jane killed. Get her out of here. I don't care continue to work here, but keep her away." Eddie warned. "If you won't I will."

"I know how to protect my fiancé." Peter croaked.

"Do you though? Where is she?" Eddie questioned.

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