The Nightmare Begins

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Mj was running. They were playing keep away with the Infinity Gauntlet at this point. Dr Strange had just sent them through the portals, quickly explaining it had been five years. Without having much time to process this fact, they were thrusted into a battle field.

"Kids?" Tony took off his helmet, relief in his eyes. He finally got them back, after five years of thinking they were gone.

"Mr Stark!" Peter yelped.

"Dad!" Mj said. The pair ran towards Tony.

"Do you remember when we got all dusty? Well when we woke up Doctor Strange was there and he was like 'it's been five years we gotta go help fight' and he did that twirly thing he does-." Peter got cut off as Tony pulled him into a hug. Bone crushing almost.

"Oh this is nice." Peter whispered. Tony looked up at Mj who took her helmet off.

"Mary Jane." Tony said quietly pulling her into a hug.

"Hey dad." She said quietly.

"I-I'm going to help the black cat dude he needs some help!" Peter called out.

"I'll come with you!"  Mj shouted and let go of Tony. "I'll be okay I promise."

"Okay." Tony said quietly.

Mj followed Peter getting the gauntlet away from the aliens. But Thanos saw and fought his way over to Mj.

"Child." Thanos shouted breaking Mj's helmet. He grabbed hold of her neck before her helmet could form back. He began to squeeze.

"Get off my daughter you big purple scrotum!" Tony shouted blasting Thanos with his most powerful beams. Knocking the gauntlet out of Mj's hand. Tony continue to try and fight Thanos alone.

Mj coughed and held her throat. She inhaled and exhaled fast. Looking around for Peter. But Thanos had thrown Tony to the ground, going towards Mj.

"Where's the gauntlet." He said in a mocking tone picking her up by the neck again. Still recovering, she had no will to fight.

"Hey big purple asshole!" Peter shouted causing Thanos to drop Mj. "Looking for this?"

Mj looked over, Peter was on his knees, placing the gauntlet on his hand. Peter wince biting back a scream.

Mary immediately got up and ran to Peter. "Don't!" She shouted. But Peter did it.

Peter snapped his fingers. Thanos's army slowly turned to dust, eventually leading to Thanos. But Mary didn't pay attention to that, she ran over to Peter trying to help Peter stand. The right side of his body was charred. Colors shining in his skin through the broken chips of his suit.

"Peter! Peter no please please." Mj kicked the gauntlet off.

His breathing became slow. Mj felt the hot sting of tears shred through her eye lids.

"No not you! Not you." She shouted as Peter slowly sat down. Tony was right behind her.

"Kid?" She heard her fathers voice crack.

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