Moving Day

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"Fuck trains man." Miles said as he was helping Peter pack his cloths.

Miles agreed to help Mj and Peter move Peters stuff out of Mays apartment. However Peter failed to tell both of them that he hadn't packed anything.

"For real! They are the worst." Peter agreed.

"Wait miles don't tell me you got hit by a train too?!" Mj nearly dropped the box she was holding.

"Yeah last night. Not as bad as Peter though. But man did it hurt." Miles groaned.

"Oh my god." Mj said packing Peters books.

"I was just making my art. I didn't expect a train to go by." Miles said.

"Where were you 'making your art'?" Mj questioned

"On a train track." Miles eyes went wide and Peter started to chuckle.

"Oh my god! Miles!! Peter leaves you for one night and you get hit by a train." Mj huffs.

"It's just a Spider-Man thing apparently." Miles smirked and peter laughed.

Mj huffed again and started to take pictures frames off his shelf.

A frames picture of little Peter with Ben and May. Cute

Tony and Peter

Peter and Ned

Peter Ned and her

Peter Ned her and Michelle

Peter and Michelle

Peter and her

Peter and her

Peter and her



Peter and Andy

"Aww Peter. I never really looked at the pictures you have framed. When did you get this one of you and Andy?" Mj smirked.

"I actually took that one. Peter let me play with his camera." Miles interjected. Proud of him photography skill.

"Very nice Miles." Mj smiled at her friend. The frowned. "Oh Miles, I didn't realize your forehead got that cut up." She touched a cut on his upper brow.

"Ouch." He whined and pulled away.

"Sorry." Mj said. "Next time something bad like that happens you come straight to our apartment. I mean did you even clean these out they look bad."

"Uh yeah I took some McDonald's napkins I had in my back pack and wiped it clean." Miles rebutdtaled.

"I thought you said you taught him how to clean his wounds." Mj turned to Peter.

"Well I mean, that's how I taught him, it's how I do it without you." Peter said looking sheepishly.

"Peter!" Mj gasped. "Jesus I'm so surprised neither have you gotten your wounds infected before." She shook her head.

"It's because I have a really amazing best friend that likes to help me with these kind of things." Miles batted his eye lashes at her.

"Mhm, both of you just be more careful." Mj sighed and started to pack his wall decor again.

"Great now she's upset with me too. Thanks Miles." Peter said playfully. Miles just flicked him and continued to pack.

"Also a lot of people really don't like us. Like we even get the cops going after us sometimes." Miles said. "I got chased by a few last night. But it wasn't even for spray painting! I was just swinging."

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