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Later that evening, the two went to bed. Peter fell asleep instantly but Mary kept her word and stayed up watching his dreams. Trying to keep Beck out.

Peter was currently dreaming about swinging through the city, in this dream however he was wielding a light saber. It was dark out but not raining. She could feel the wind as he swung through the city. Things took a dark turn quickly. Peter had fallen, his webs ran out. Instead of hitting the ground, Peter continued to fall through a black abyss. A gun shot can be heard along with a labored old mans yell.

"Peter?!? Peter help me please. He's got me Peter he's got me!"

Mary could hear her own voice yell. This was it, this was a nightmare. Mary took her hand off of Peters head and shook his shoulders to wake him up.

"Peter?! Pete? Peter Parker wake up." Mary called out. Peter sat up quickly, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. "Hey hey hey your okay. Your okay." Mary said grabbing his hands.

"Y-you stopped it. Thank you, I know what dream it was. I- I don't think I could have handled it again." Peter said grabbing hold of Mj.

"I stopped it? I thought I was too late." Mary said holding onto his shoulders.

"Yeah, no it just started thank you." He said hiding his head in her shoulder.

"Are you okay?"

"I am now."

"For the most part your dream was fun. With your lightsaber."

"I don't remember my dreams before the nightmares"

"That has to be awful I'm sorry." She said playing with his hair.

"What do I dream about?"

"Mostly swinging. Except you have a light saber. There was one time I was Princess Leia and you were han. That one was interesting, however I do prefer Obi-wan over Han." Mary giggled slightly.

"You prefer the blonde over the brunette. I see how it is." Peter said jokingly pointing to his brown hair.

"No I prefer the intelligent over the rash. That's why I don't like Anakin. If he was smart enough he'd realize Padmé was going to die if he'd join the dark side."

"Why do you hate Anakin so much. With out him we wouldn't have the original trilogy."
"I don't hate him. I just don't understand how he could just leave Padmé and join the dark side like that."

"He joined it in hopes to protect her."

"Obi-wans just superior." She smirked.

"This is why we can't watch the prequels together." Peter laughed. "Tell me you prefer Han over Luke."

"You can't make me choose between them. I love them both."

"Life or death. Pick one." He smirked.


"Oh screw you then." He jokingly pushed Mary off him.

"Please, you are more like Luke than you are Han. So you can't be mad."

"Luke it blonde!"

"I'm talking personality wise dingus. Your personality is too adorable to be Han." Mary said sitting back on his lap.

"There's no way I'm Luke. He's a whiny child, I'm definitely more like Han."

"Your not full of yourself like Han."

"Han's not full of himself, at least by the end. Take back what you said and I'll consider this relationship stable again." Peter joked hugging her.

The Tragedy of Mary Jane StarkWhere stories live. Discover now