Nothing but Trouble

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"Aye you remember me?" Spider-Man webbed down from a roof top after recognizing the sweaty man walking down the street.

"Oh je- leave me alone kid." Eddie started to walk faster.

"Slow down dude I just want to talk." Peter said easily running ahead of the sweaty man.

"Obviously you haven't seen Mary Jane yet. Stay out of my way kid okay? Or I won't go so easy on ya, and I wouldn't want to make dear Mary Jane go through another funeral." Eddie said seriously pushing past Peter.

"Hey man, I'm just trying to make sure my city stays safe. My family safe. And with that- that parasite of yours running loose eating people?! I just can't have that in my city, with my family."

"Who are you calling parasite!" A deep voice bellows through Eddie's throat. The black goo slowly takes over Eddie's body.

"Holy shit." Spider-Man jumped back.

"I am not a parasite. I am a symbiote. And I do not eat people for pleasure anymore. You need to leave us alone, I do not wish to bring Mary Jane in this. But if threatening your life isn't enough than I may." Venom got close to Peter now, backing him up against the wall. "Threaten Mary Janes. As much as I don't want to, I'll be more than willing to hurt her if you do not leave us alone."

The big alien frightened Peter.

"You leave Mary Jane out of this! If you don't eat people for pleasure anymore than why did you attack that boy last night!" Peter found confidence in his voice.

"We were angry. Lashed out. It is only natural. It was a mistake." Venom growled.

"And the homeless guy?" Peter interrogated.

"Angry again."

"Well you have serious anger issues dude! Just get out of New York. Please okay? Save us both the trouble. If you really care about Mj, like you claim to, than just leave." Peter said slowly. Nervous on how the monster would react.

Venom snarled than slowly disappeared to reveal Eddie.

"I wish I could man. I mean we'd be so happy living in an isolated area but we don't have the money for that. We just gotta do this stupid job that's giving us a shit ton of cash under the table. Than we'll be out of New York alright kid?" Eddie huffed.

"What kind of job?" Peter questioned

"Now that, is non of your damn business kid. I was told to kill anyone who knew or asked questions , so for Mary Janes sake, please don't go sniffing around my business anymore." Eddie started to walk away from Peter again.

"It doesn't have anything to do with King Pin?" Peter blurted out.

"Who the hell is king Pin." Eddie said, it sounded genuine. "Stay away from me kid."

Peter let Eddie go down the side walk out of site. Peter webbed back up to sit on the roof again, thinking.

Peter knew he'd have to leave venom alone for now. After it threatened Mj's life, he had to comply

What job could he have taken that would need venom? He turned his head when he saw a red car speed by the building he was on. It looked like Mjs car. He followed it.

He gracefully landed on the roof of the car, causing her to slam on the breaks. He stuck to the car though.

"Jesus Christ Peter!" Mj got out of the driver side. "You scared the hell out of us."

Peter stepped off the roof and hugged her. Feeling anxious over what Eddie said.

"I gotta let him go." Peter said quietly.

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