Comfort and Grieving

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Mj groggily opened her eyes. She felt like she hadn't gotten sleep in days.  Slowly sitting up, she winced and held her torso.

A giant bandaid wrap was around the middle of her stomach. Eyes shooting open from the realization , she was blinded by the bright lights of a hospital.

"Peter?!" Mj tried to get up but hands pushed her down. "Get off, where's Peter." All she remembers is flashes of Peters bloodied face. He's bone sticking out of his leg. Her throat got tight

"It's okay I'm right here." Peter came over and grabbed her hand. "Your okay. You just need to lie down."

Mj's eyes had adjusted to the light. Peter was using crutches. Happy Pepper and Aunt May were the hands holding her down. She rubbed her eyes and groaned.

"I'm sorry honey, it's your ribs." Pepper said brushing Mj's bangs out of her face. "I love your new hair cut. It may need a trim though."

"Thank you." Mj calmed down. Peter was alive. "Why do you have crutches?"

"Broken leg. It doesn't hurt bad anymore don't worry." Peter comforted her.

"Is Eddie okay?" She looked for her phone.

"He's alright." Peter said slowly sitting down in a chair. It was hard with crutches.

"Who's Eddie?" Happy asked.

"The man who hosts the alien that saved Mj's life." Peter said not taking his eyes away from Mj.  He looked upset about something.

"What's wrong, you look sad Pete?" Mj said.

"It's nothing." Peter lied. "Careful, don't sit-up too fast." She tried to sit up, Peter tried to get out of the chair to help her up. He cringed and fell back down when he stepped on his damaged leg.

"Okay both of you stop." Bruce said. "They both have such a hero complex." Bruce tisked and helped Mj up himself.

"Thank you." Mj said

"Be easy on your ribs. And your back. That- that alien thing may have healed your back but that doesn't mean you should be straining it like crazy." Bruce warned.

"Oh my babies. I'm so sorry this happened. Peter honey you were so brave." Aunt May said.

"Thanks May." Peter said weakly.

"Yeah kid, Mr stark would be so proud." Happy said and Peter gave a weak smile in return.

"Michelle, Harry, Gwen and miles came to visit us today. Miles is still here he's just getting food from the vending machine." Peter said.

"What did you tell them?" Mj asked. "What's our story."

"You were coming to pick me up after work, we got caught in the Green Goblins bombings. There were cameras that caught the Doc with you on the roof. So we are saying while I was trying to get help, Spider-Man rescued you." Peter said. "Because my leg was trapped under rubble."

"Okay, but Michelle Miles and Ned know the truth?" Mj asked.

There was an echoed quiet when she said Ned's name. They all had mournful faces.

"What's wrong?" Mj's hearted started to race. Peter could hear it. He gripped her hand a little tighter.

"H-honey. Your friend Ned. He died, he fell threw the hole that the bombs created. He was dead on impact." Pepper tried to say gently. "He didn't feel a thing."

Mj felt her throat get tight again, her eyes began to water.

"No." Mj shook her head.

"What?" Pepper asked softly.

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