Death is What Gives Life Meaning

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"Mary..." Dad began to say. "Squirt. Let me get this out of the way, holy shit you did all this with your mind! I'm so proud, but also Mary.. why are you doing this?" Dad said putting his hand on Mary's shoulder.
"Doing what? Fixing the car, because I love spending time with you, dad." Mary said desperately trying to hold onto her perfectly little reality. Still pretending as if she isn't talking to a corpse.
"How do you remember, I mean knowing that this is not real. Your supposed to be dead, how are you smart enough to figure this out." She gave in.
"I have a few theories, I mean your powers created me, giving me sort of a life, retaining some of your memorize and some of, well alive tony's memories. And I started to notice something was wrong when you were slowly loosing grip on this reality, loosing Peter a couple of times, having a few neighbors brush there teeth four time in a row. I watched several neighbors cut their grass several times in a row. That's when I started to think and remember for myself."
Mary closed her eyes hoping that when she'd open them she's be back in her perfect reality, she was not.
"Dad... I can't stop this. I just can't." She said tears forming in her eyes.
"You couldn't have done anything Mary don't blame yourself." Tony warned. "Even if you had gotten the stones off me, it still would have killed me. It wasn't the stones that killed me, though they made me die faster, it was the snap. It takes every ounce of your nimble mortal being to be able to snap, so I was a goner anyway. It was the one way we'd win."
"I can't talk about this- I cant. Let's go build a puzzle." That's when the door bell rang.
"You can't bring Peter here in hopes to distract me Mary Jane!" Tony called out opening the door for peter.
"Mary Jane! You left you purse in my car I came to bring it too you. Sup Mr Watson!" Peter said trying to give Tony a fist bump.

"Look what your doing to Peter, does this look and sound like your Peter Parker. It's not him, what your doing to him is not who he is. Dressing him up to play a different character everyday." Tony said grabbing Peters face. Peter froze as if being touched by Tony stopped him from moving, Tony let go.
"Dad please, how bout we order Italian tonight?" She said crying still desperately trying to hold onto her reality.
"Mary Jane I'm a corpse, I don't need food. I need to be buried 6 feet under." Tony said walking towards her grabbing her shoulders. She opened her mouth to speak but only sobs came out, spit hanging from her tooth attached to her lip.
"I- I- I can't. I can't live without you yet. I'm not ready to live without you." She said wrapping her arms around tony. Shaking her head repeating 'she can't' Tony sighed. "You shouldn't have died, it shouldn't have been you."

"Every death is untimely Mary Jane." He said hugging her back.
"Our relationship, was just getting good. I was finally purely happy. My life was beautiful, us being a family, I just wanted it back." Mary said crying into his Led Zeppelin shirt.

"Oh Mary Jane. A thing isn't beautiful because it lasts." Tony said rubbing her head.
"Why do people die, it only causes pain and suffering for those who have to live without them." Mary Jane said
"It was my time Mary Jane."
"But it shouldn't have been. You just had Morgan." She was violently shaking in his arms. "You weren't ready. You still had so much more time."
"No ones ready squirt. But I died protecting my world. I died knowing you and Peter and Pepper and Morgan were going to be okay. My sacrifice enabled trillions to stay alive. I died hoping to leave you and Peter with the life you kids deserve. I left Morgan-," Mary cut him off.

"To grow up like me. In a dysfunctional home, wishing she had her father." Mary spatted
"Yes, unfortunately she's going to have to grow up like that. But she has Pepper, she has you, and Peter and Happy and Rhodey." Tony kissed the top of her head making her cling on tighter and sobbing more.
"Death is selfish. He takes a beautiful soul, and gives them bliss, while leaving the ones, the soul loved, behind. To deal with the pain, to deal with the grief. Death is a selfish bastard."

"Mary, Death is what gives life meaning, to know your days are numbered, your time is short. He's the person wheeling the wheel of life." Tony said cradling her head.
"Dad I-I can't do this. I feel utterly and completely alone. They don't understand, we're one in the same. We both have a unique inability to rest. It's hard for me to rest in general let alone be able to rest knowing my fathers dead." She said now staining Tony's shirt with purple tears.
"You can't continue this honey, you have to let go. For Peter's sake, for the towns peoples sake. For your sake."
"Dad- what are they going to do to me. The government I mean, look what I've done. I don't want to be- be chained up. To be sentenced to prison. I'm scared, dad, I'm really scared. It would be so much easier if you were here. If you could stay." She said tightening her grip on him.
"You won't be alone, I'll tell you right now Peter won't leave your side for a second. And Pepper will be there to help you. Mary Jane whatever this magic is, is not your fault. Something had to have happened to you to make you like this." He said kissing her head again trying to get her to let go. "Let go of this Mary Jane."
"Dad I'm not ready to live without you." Mary Jane was slowly loosing her grip. The house flashed with purple as the furniture began to change.
"Let go Mary Jane, it's okay. It will be okay. Let me go." A single tear fell onto Tony's cheek.
"It's so hard. I ca-," Tony stopped her.
"Yes you can. Remember your a Stark, we have a unique inability to rest, don't start resting on me now kid." He said sniffling.
She let out a huge sob as the purple bubble started to fade back into her. Screaming and sobbing she dropped to the floor as Tony became once again a lifeless corpse. She sat on the floor in the middle of an abandoned house crying over her fathers corpse.
"Mj?" Peter got up from the floor and started to walk over to her, before men armed came and told Peter to step back. "Stop! Don't hurt her, she didn't mean to do this, it's not her fault get away from her!" Peter shouted as men came to hold him back as he was trying to get to Mary Jane.
She let out a violent sob one last time. Tears trickling down her face, she fell forward onto the dirty house floor, finally resting.

Officer Woo ran onto the scene showing his badge and making the men hand cuff and carry the unconscious Mary Jane into a van.

"Please wait don't hurt her please!" Peter sobbed running after the van as it began to drive sways. He tripped causing him to fall to the ground. He curled into a ball and began to sob himself.
"Hey kid? You okay? Did she hurt you?" A black woman with a agent badge on offered her hand to Peter. He took it.
"No she didn't, Mary didn't know what was going on, she couldn't control it. Please I need to get to her. I'm all she has left please ma'am!" He said holding this woman's hand begging.
"Are you her brother or something?"
"No im her boyfriend, as dumb as it sounds. Please."
"Listen kid we took her, me and Jimmy woo. We aren't here to hurt her, we are going to try the best we can to help her. She's a minor, still a kid, Agent Ross wanted to gun her down. But we wanted to save her, We are going to help her okay?" Agent Rambo said.

"Than let me help! She has terrible trust issues, but if I'm there maybe she will be better. Please ma'am I just want her back. I just want to hold her again." He begged. Rambo sighed.
"Alright kid I'll see what I can do, come ride back with me to the security vault, it's made of vibranium, we are hoping that can safely hold her." Both agent Rambo and Peter got in the car. "How long has she had these powers... er what's your name?"
"Peter Parker. And she doesn't have them. I don't know what happened but she doesn't have special abilities."
"Okay... did you two blip?" Rambo asked
"Yeah. Bruce Banner snapped to bring us back and Tony snapped to end Thanos once and for all."
"Yeah I knew that. This has to be tough on you kid."
"Not nearly as tough as it has been on dear Mary Jane."

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