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"Woah she lives on the nice side of town." Miles shouted in Peters ear as he carried Miles towards Mary's apartment.

"Yeah it's close to the school too." Peter shouted back over the wind. "Jeez your very different compared to carrying Mj."

"I better be different." Miles said clinging on tighter as Peter started to go higher. "W-what are you doing."

"I've gotta get up to her balcony." Peter replied patiently.

"A-am I going to have to be doing this. Going this high by myself?!"

"Only if you want to swing." Peter shouted back.

Meanwhile Mary was very confused over her interaction with Peter, but didn't let it bother her. Maybe he was busy. That's when she heard a thud on her balcony.

"Mj?" Peter shouted through the door. She walked over to it and opened the door. He pulled her into a big bear hug, seeming to hide her face.

"H-hey. What's going on?" She pulled away and looked up at Peters masked face.

"Hi Mary Jane!" A voice from behind Peter called out. She looked over.

"Miles?" Mary asked recognizing the boy.

"Wait what?" Peter said.

"you know me?" Miles asked.

"Of course I do. You always post pictures of the spray paint paintings you make of my dad, they are really awesome." Mary smiled at him. Then she realized. "Wait what are you doing on my balcony with uh Spider-Man here."

"Oh I know he's Peter. He's going to be my new mentor." Miles cheerfully said.

"Peter what happened?" Mary Jane said sternly.

"He's what my senses have been going off about. He got bit by a spider near OSCORP the same night my senses started going crazy. He has my powers Mj." Peter said pulling her to the side to talk to her.

"But we killed the spider." Mj said starting to get concerned.

"We killed one spider. Who's to say there's not more." Peter said seriously.

"But OSCORP has been abandoned for like two years. It got shut down after we all dusted. Surely they aren't making more." Mj said looking at Miles then back at Peter.

"Oh I didn't go in OSCORP. I was in an abandoned subway station underneath it I think." Miles interjected.

"We gotta go there and see if there are more. Miles I'm so sorry this happened to you." Mj said apologetically.

"Oh no it's fine. It's cool I get to be friends with Spider-Man now so that's fun."

"I'm going down there to see if there is more. You can't go." Peter said rolling his eyes at Miles.

"No im going. There's no reason I can't go and help." Mj said sternly.

"Oh I see what you mean by reckless now." Miles said. Neither of them paid attention to him though.

"Mj, If there are more spiders down there I hate to think what would happen if one bit you. Especially having that  on top of... you know." Peter said gesturing to her wrists.

"Especially on top of what?" Miles asked but they didn't reply.

"If anything I could handle a bite better because of it. And I'm not going to get bit, it's not like it was infested with spiders right Miles?"

"Oh yeah I didn't see very many spiders. I just looked down and there was a spider on me, so I slapped it." Miles said.

"So you killed it?" Peter asked.

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