The Interview

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"How do I look?" Mj was messing with her hair in the mirror. She was getting ready for her interview at the Daily Bugle.

"You look wonderful." Peter lazily sat up. He blinked several times. No more nightmares

"This is kinda scary. Cause like this is a real job. Like a real real job." She put some earrings in. "Like adult job with other adults. And health care and fancy suits and retirement."

"Well just show him your research papers and I'm sure he'll love them. I mean you already have your name out there, being Tony's daughter."

"That's not a good thing. I don't want JJ to think I have the same work ethic as my dad. I'm completely sober when I work unlike him." Mj grumbled.

"Oh it's JJ now is it?" Peter smirked. He crawled off the bed and grabbed her hips

"Its shorter than saying J Jonah Jameson. Now that's too much work. JJ is easier." Mj smiled up at him.

"But don't worried. He's not gonna think your like your dad." Peter assured her as he started getting dressed himself.  

"Betty said JJ is kinda scary. But like I can handle it, it's fine." She adjusted her skirt and turned to Peter. "Oh no. Please don't tell me your wearing that."

"What's wrong with it?" Peter looked at his outfit. He was wearing his lettuce the taste of sadness shirt.

"What did you wear yesterday?" Mj asked.

"My atom pun shirt? Why?"

"Dude, you can't be wearing tee shirts you have a real job now." She giggled slightly.

"What's wrong with my shirts? All I do is lift stuff and do whatever Dr Ock tells me."

"There's no dress code?" She questioned.

"I don't think so?"

"What does Gwen wear."

"Her purple skirt and green shirt. It's what she wore at Harry's party." Peter kinda chuckled.

"Okay. Just don't want you to get fired for not following the dress code." She smirked.

"Should I change than?" He was concerned.

"No no your fine."

"Now your making me think I should change." He chuckled a little. He grabbed a zip up hoodie and put it over his tee shirt.

"Do what you want Pete. I gotta go." She grabbed her wallet and threw on some heals.

"Wait." Peter gently grabbed her elbow. She turned around and he kissed her. Holding her face in his hands. "You'll do great pretty girl."

"Jj? There's someone here to see you." Betty knocked on the chief editors door. She was Jj's receptionist. Mj flipped up her hair and made sure her files were quickly organized. "Mary Jane. "

Mj drove to the Daily Bugle building in an anxious wreck.

"Who is it?" Jj looked up. He was puffing on his cigar as Mj walked in. "Who are you what do you want. Don't be wasting my time now." He said in a booming fast voice.

"Sir, she's here for the interview. The editors position?" Betty said holding open the door. Once Mj stepped fully inside, Betty returned to her desk to answer a call.

"Oh yeah. Well kid come in. Don't sit down though I'm not trying to make this interview longer than it needs to be." His phone started to ring.

"Your wife is on the line sir." Betty's voice came over the speaker phone.

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