Fighting and Kissing

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After peter ran away from the funeral he began to swing. Trying to find a secluded place for himself.

Once he found a ledge he was satisfied with he sat down. Terrible sobs escaped his lips. How could he have been so stupid. Leaving New York for so long. Without even telling aunt May? Aunt May didn't even know they were married. She died without knowing.

Peter took off his mask to rub is eyes. Wanting desperately to just go back to Aunt Mays apartment. For her to just be their and hug him. To tell him everything was going to be okay. That would never happen again. He lost his final parental figure.

He felt something tickle his leg. He looked down, a little piece of moving black goo was crawling up his thigh.

"Venom?" He asked out loud.

The little black glue absorbed into his skin. He could feel a cold rush travel through his leg and you towards his head.

"Peter Parker." A deep unearthly voice said. It sounded like the voice was all around him, but he knew it was just in his head.

"Who's there?" He jumped up. "Get out of my head venom."

"I am not venom. I am not Eddie Brock's alien." It spoke clearly.

"I don't care who you aren't, Get out of me!" Peter smacked his face as if that would do anything.

"Listen to me. I'm inside your mind Peter Parker. You have suffered many losses. Many losses of people you couldn't save. If you let me stay in you, I could help you make sure you'll never loose anyone ever again. Who knows, the next victim could be Mary Jane." The ghastly voice snarled.

"How?" Peter asked curiously. "How will you make sure that doesn't happen."

"Feel me course through your veins Peter. Tell me how you feel?"

Peter felt a surge spread out through his body.

"Like- like I'm invincible, unstoppable. This feels really good." Peter admitted. It was like waking up the morning after he got bit by that spider all over again. But better.

"Do we have a deal?" The voice in his head asked.

"Yes. Yes 1000% yes!" Peter felt good.

For the next week, it was as if May hadn't died. He had been so confident. As if he had nothing to fear. All his anxiety, all his morals, were out the window.

Mj desperately wanted to go grocery shopping. After not being home for weeks. She didn't get that dressed up, still depressed from aunt mays  funeral. She knew she wouldn't look too out of place in a New York grocery store in just pj's

"Oh Peter seriously you don't have to come with me. I know it's been a hard couple of days for you." Mj grabbed his hand. "Just lay with Andy."

"No baby i want to go with you." Peter grabbed her hips tightly. Mj blushed. He gently kissed down her neck

"Okay. Y-you won me over." Mj giggled. "Baby huh? I thought that word made you too blushy?"

"We are married now it's about time I say it." He pulled her to the front door.

Peters hands never leave Mj for the entire car ride. This- venom- sure made him cocky. Even walking through the grocery store he took every opportunity to touch her as if they weren't already married.

They were in the bread isle when Peter wrapped his arms around Mj's waist from behind. He watched as the only other person in the isle left.

"Someone's handsy today." Mj joked. Peter just hummed in response as he started to kiss her neck. "Pete stop we are in a store." Mj half said sternly half giggled.

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