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After work that evening, Mj took Michelle home and headed back towards her apartment. She could see the shadow of two web swingers glide across her car. She laughed to herself and rolled her eyes. She pulled to the side of the road and got out of her car.
"Are you stalking me Spider-Man!" Mj called out and Peter landed silently on the hood of her car. Miles less gracefully stumbled on the side of the road.
"What no.." Peter said in a sarcastic tone.
"Yeah we were. Also coffee is the nastiest thing I have ever tasted. I don't care how much sugar Peter put in I couldn't drink it." Miles said trying to pull up his mask but Peter caught him and pulled it down.
"Dude you can't do that remember." Peter warned.
"Right right not out in-," but Miles paused. Peter understood what was happening his senses were going crazy too. "Mj please lock your car door and go home."
"What?" Mj said sounding confused.
"Get in the car." Peter warned as him and Miles stood very still.
"What's going on. Is it your spider sense?" Mj said walking up to them.
"Mj go home!" Miles shouted pushing her towards the car.
"What is it??" Mj shouted back getting in her car.
"Miles go home with Mj please." Peter said with fear breaking his voice.
"I'm not leaving you to fight this Prowler alone I'm staying." Miles said sternly. "Mj go home now!" Miles shouted and Mj put it in drive flooring in down the road.

Just then Peter narrowly dodged a kick in the back sending the Prowler flying behind him. Miles jumping on the masked cat while he was down.
"What the hell dude we didn't even bother you yet!" Miles called out as the Prowler threw him into a wall.
Peter got the upper hand nearly pinning him down- the Prowler jumped up and threw down smoke disappearing.
"Coward!" Peter called out.
"You think he was following us?" Miles breathlessly asked holding onto his side, limping.
"No Pin is here." Peter said quietly looking around him.
"Peter I don't feel so good." Mile said clutching his stomach.
"I told you to back with Mj." Peter sighed helping him stand up. "Go home Miles." Peter said sounding annoyed.
"No you need help!" Miles winced.
"I told you to go with Mj! I could have gotten him, but you distracted me." Peter groaned at him.
"I was just trying to help." Miles said quietly, afraid of mad Peter.
"Oh god I need to make sure he didn't follow Mj." Peter said fear in his voice.
"I can help!" Miles perked up.
"Miles please just go home alright?" Peter groaned. "Just listen to me."
"Okay fine I don't want to help you anyway." Miles said.
"Just go!" Peter said swinging towards the direction on Mjs apartment.
Miles was mad, he was just trying to help who was Peter to tell him to leave. But he also didn't want to be alone, his parents were on the night shift again. He swung to his uncles apartment and slide open the window. He didn't care what Peter said Miles was going to tell his uncle Aaron everything.
He slowly slide open the apartment window and silently crept in.
"Uncle Aaron. Please be home I really need you." Miles sadness could be heard in his voice, making it crack.
No one seemed to be home. He sat on his uncle's chair and huffed.
"Peter doesn't know what he's talking I was fine. I am fine. I didn't need to go with Mj she's fine the Prowler didn't see her." Miles huffed and whined to himself when he heard a creak from the fire escape.
He turned invisible backing away from the window. The Prowler climbed through the window. Miles heart was beating fast, he couldn't believe he brought the Prowler to his uncles apartment. He was stupid he should have listened to Peter. The Prowler creeped around the apartment. Miles held his breath refusing to move- when a ringer went off in the Prowlers suit. He answered it, lifting his helmet off.
Miles let a gasp out- it was Uncle Aaron. His Uncle Aaron was the Prowler. His uncle looked towards Miles hearing the gasp.
"Sorry boss. I thought I heard something. I lost the spider brats again. I will not fail next time I swear." Uncle Aaron said. Miles could hear King Pins unmistakable voice shout at him through the phone.

"Holy shit you scared me." Mj said opening her balcony door. "What happened? Where's Miles?" Mj said grabbing onto Peters arm as he walked in.
"He got away again." Peter said almost collapsing on her, wrapping her arms around her waist. She grabbed onto his mask and pulled it off.
"You'll get him next time, tiger." Mj said walking him towards her bed.
"Yeah I hope." Peter said laying down.
"Well besides that how was your evening." Mj asked laying with him.
"Good. I met a very gorgeous barista tonight she was really nice." Peter smiled. "How was that, was I convincing enough to not know you."
"Yes everyone was very excited that Spider-Man flirted with me." Mj giggled. "Michelle gagged."
"As per usual." Peter laughed along with her.
"Did Miles go home?" Mj asked quietly rubbing his sweaty hair.
"Uh yeah. No coffee for him tomorrow he didn't like it." Peter said.
"Awww well I hope that doesn't stop Spider-Man from coming in. He owes me a date." Mj smirked.
"Oh he'll come in. He just needs to keep Miles busy." He kissed her gently but she made it rough pulling him by the suit towards her. Biting his lip in the process.
"I think you should take that sweaty suit off. So you don't get acne you know." Mj smirked pressing the spider in the middle.
"I would say the same for you, need to see if that stick and poke spider tattoo is still there. For research purposes." Peter said trying to sound cocky but made Mj laugh. She threw her shirt off and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Arms glued to his neck she kissed him roughly earning a small moan from the back of his throat.
That's when Peters phone began to ring. He groaned and picked it up.
"Who is it?" Mj asked.
"Miles.. he never calls me." Peter said than answered the phone, making it on speaker phone for Mj.
"Peter! Peter the Prowler is my uncle." They heard a breathless Miles cry out. He seemed to be swinging.
"Don't swing and call oh my god. Okay uh where are you? How did you find this out." Peter said throwing on his suit.
"I went to his apartment because I was sad after you yelled at me and I snuck in and he was there. The Prowler and he took of his helmet and turns out he was my uncle Peter! This is where he goes to help King Pin. He's a bad guy." Miles cried out.
"Where are you?" Peter repeated kissing Mj on the cheek and headed for the balcony.
"I'm by that one sandwich shop you take me too." Miles said.
"Are you being followed?"
"No I was invisible he scared me." Miles mumbled.
"It's okay buddy I'll be there in a second alright, just stay there." Peter said jumping off the balcony.

"My uncle is the man trying to kill us Peter." Miles cried out running towards Peter as he landed on the building.
"Hey it's okay calm down." Peter said as Miles hugged him.
"You guys are all I have left." Miles whimpered into Peters suit.
"Aww Miles no, are you sure it's him? I mean I know you saw him in his apartment but are you sure?" Peter said optimistically.
"Yes he took his mask off and talked. It was him." Miles said breathing hard.
"Well I- I don't know what to say Miles." Peter said concerned.
"I just don't want to be alone anymore. And I thought I had my uncle but I can't even trust him." Miles said sadly.
"You got Mj and I. And Michelle weather she admits it or not she thinks your a good kid. And Mj and I will never let you feel lonely okay? Your are our  best friend." Peter said attempting to comfort him.
"I- I know it's a school night but can I sleep over night. I don't want to be alone again tonight." Miles sniffed.
"Yeah, yeah of course. We just have to stop and get Mj flowers." Peter said awkwardly.
"Why? Did you yell at her too." Miles said laughing slightly.
"No I don't yell. At least never at her. She hates it when people raise their voices around her it makes her anxious. But I kinda left in the middle of something so I figured flowers would be nice." Peter said rubbing the back of his neck.
"Why does it make her anxious? That's a weird thing to be stressed about." Miles said more to himself.
"I don't know, it's one of those things I try and keep away from her to not make her panic, ya know." Peter said.
"Ohh okay. Aww I feel bad I yelled at her to leave. What's her favorite flowers I'm buying." Miles said smirking and swinging off before Peter could argue.

Peter had allowed Miles to buy flowers but also bought his own for Mj. Them all ruffled from flowing in the wind.
"Is she still awake?" Miles whispered at they landed on the balcony.
"Yeah she never goes to sleep alone." Peter said knocking on her window. Mj, with a shirt on now, opening the balcony door and let them inside.
"Oh Miles I feel terrible I'm so sorry about your uncle." Mj said hugging him.
"I don't really want to talk about that right now. Peter said I can stay the night if that's okay?" Miles said.
"Yeah of course I'll go grab your blow up mattress." Mj said.
"It's Alright I got it." Peter said pulling it out of the closet. "Here we got you flowers." Peter said handing her the daisies .
"Aww you didn't have to do that." Mj said smelling the flowers.
"Of course we did I left you and you had your first day at work. We are very proud of you." Peter said kissing her cheek and helping Miles with his sheets. "So how was your first day at work?"
"It was pretty good. I got an avenger to flirt with me so that was nice." Mj smirked grabbing Miles a pillow.
"Oh that sounds fun." Peter remarked.
"It was. He promised he's visit me again tomorrow." Mj smirked.
"Guys can you not do your cutesy flirty ness around me." Miles said laughing at their antics and sitting on his bed.
"Sorry." Mj said blushing. "I'm tired do you mind if I go to bed?"
"No go head. I'm uh- we haven't had dinner yet do you mind if we make some?" Peter asked heading towards her bedroom door slowly. Making her laugh.
"Go ahead. I think I got Mac and cheese in there." She said falling onto her bed.

However as she tried to sleep she could smell burning. Concerned for her kitchen she got up to check on them.
"What the hell?" Mj groggily said walking up to them. They were standing around her stove with a pot on it.
"I think we're doing pretty good." Peter said optimistically. Miles nodded in agreement. Mj eyed the pot that was currently on fire.
"Sure." She looked skeptically at them and turned around to head to bed. "Just don't burn my apartment down." Abs she scuttled off towards her room.

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