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After the Tragedy

"Tony Stark? He was my dad wasn't he. He died killing Thanos didn't he." Mary was remembering now. How could she forget about her dad. How could she forget about her life, her anything and everything. What happened to her to make her forget. She could still hear Peter trying to muffle his sobs. She was starting to remember him more and more.

"Yes, Ms Stark. Are you re-remembering everything? I mean 20 minutes ago it was like you forgot about your relationship with Mr Parker out there." Officer Woo said. Sounding little triumphantly now that she was finally talking.

"Why are my tears purple." She said finally looking up to meet Woo's gaze.

"We thought you would be able to tell us that." Agent Rambo said now standing next to Officer Woo.

"What happened to me. Why am I all chained up." Mary knew they would more than likely not answer her questions but honestly she didn't know how to answer theirs.

"You still don't remember that part? Ms Stark we can't help you unless you remember." Rambo was now talking to her.

"What is the very last thing you remember? I mean you seem to remember Tony's death, do you remember his funeral?" Officer Woo joined in again.

Mary did, she remembered little flashes. She remembered a little girl holding Peppers hand. She remembered flowers around her fathers arc reactor core, floating on a lake. She remembered that same feeling of drowning, just utter and complete sadness and grief.

"I do, but I won't talk. I can't. Unless I see Peter. Please." She begged. "He can help me remember!" She desperately tried to get them to let her see her Peter. She remembered everything, every kiss, every night, every I love you.

"Well, maybe we can, agent Rambo? I mean if it will help jog her memory, I think it's wise." Officer Woo consulted his partner.

"Okay fine, but we'll have to stay in the room okay?" Agent Rambo said, walking towards the door  once more. Peter must have been leaning on it because he feel right in.

"Alright Mr Parker you can see her. Just be... well careful."

Peter didn't even hesitate to run over to Mary. He fell on his knees in front of her chair kissing every inch of her face. His face wet and tear stained. Mary continued to cry, Peter wiping the purple tears from her face, not seeming to care that they were discolored.

"What happened to me Pete, why am I chained up. What did I do." She asked desperately trying to move her hands to hold his face, but her restraints refused to budge. He had her face cupped in his hands.

"I don't know Mj. A few weeks after Mr Starks funeral you kinda disappeared. Than the next time I saw you, your eyes were all scary and glowing purple. Your voice was in my head, making me say and act out all these things, and Mr Stark was there. Mary it was scary. Than you kinda turned off my switch I guess because i woke up to you thrashing around with the scary purple eyes again as these FBI agents put you in metal chains. It was really upsetting they were gonna hurt you. I couldn't let them hurt you. You didn't mean to hurt anyone." Peter said trying his best to hold her, it was difficult with her restraints, being chained to the chair.

"Pete, I'm scared. I barely remember anything, I barely remembered who you were 20 minutes ago; I don't know what's happening to me. I feel all- I feel sick." She continued to cry as Peter rubbed her hair.

"I know, I know this is scary but Officer Woo and Agent Rambo are here to help you. So please if you remember anything, If you could tell them anything, it will help you get out of here. Then we can go home. Remember, Tony had built us a room in his cabin, in hopes that one day he could bring us back. We can go back and live in that room. And you can finally fully meet Morgan, she's just like him. She's just such a beautiful kid. I'm gonna help you get through this okay? I'm not going anywhere." He said planting a kiss on her fore head. "I promise."

"Ms Stark, please," Woo said interrupting the intimate moment between Peter and Mj, "Did you father give you these powers some how. Did him and Dr Banner use the mind stone to experiment on you? I mean these abilities seem really similar to Wanda Maximoffs." Officer Woo said, trying to be serious but seemed to enjoy showing off his knowledge about the Avengers.

"No, it wasn't my dad. I was only able to convince him to build me my own suit just last year. Well I guess 6 years ago. But he was strict about letting me use a suit, let alone experimenting on me. He would never." She felt the drowning feeling again pulling her deeper.

"Mr uhh- Officer Woo sir, I don't know if you guys already guess this but, when we dusted on Titian, Mj didn't have the purple glowing eyes. She just had her iron suit on. When we came back and Mr Dr Strange said it's been 5 years we gotta go help, she still didn't have the weird glowieness. It had to have happened after Mr Stark snapped. But I don't know how, I was with her the entire time until she went missing."

Hearing Peter talk about what happened, she started seeing more flashes. Looking over and seeing her father wielding the stones. She was right there, she was trying to slow Thanos down with him. Why didn't she grab the stones. Tony still could have been alive, she could have prevented his death. She was 2 feet away from him when he snapped, she should have done something. She should have done anything. But she just stood and watched in horror.

"Peter I- I don't feel so good. I feel so sick. Like I can't breathe; what did I do?? Why did I 'switch you off' and how? I just want to go home and see Ned and Michelle and go back to school. Officer Woo I wish I could remember I really do, but I can't. Please just let me out of these chains I won't hurt anyone, I never wanted to hurt anyone. I just want dad back." Peter was still rubbing her hair trying to calm her down.

"I'm sorry Mary Jane, but this is the least chained you can be. Sword wanted to chain you up and lock you in the Raft. General Ross wanted murder you. This is the best we can do right now. We are really pushing it to have Peter here. Agent Rambo and I are trying our best, I'm sorry." Officer Woo looked at her completely somberly. What could she done to warrant people to think it best to have her killed.

"Where's Pepper. Is she okay? I just need to make know if she's safe. Did i- 'switch her off' too?" She said not looking at Woo but at Peter, who she knew would tell her.

"She's okay. She's with Morgan you didn't touch them. Made her really upset though I mean she just lost Mr Stark trying to get us back, just for you to run away." Peter too, at peace with knowing she was okay, was also trying to help her remember. Maybe Talking about running away will jog her memory.

"Morgan... dad had another daughter?" Did he do that to replace Mary? She wasn't sure if she even wanted to, well, remeet his daughter. Her half sister.

"No no, he wouldn't, you know that's not why. Mj he made us video messages. I think to help cope with loosing us, we can watch all of them, together. He really loved us Mary Jane. Pepper said that Tony would dream of us coming back and living with them in the cabin. A place for us all to rest. She said he knew that him and you both had a unique inability to rest, but he hoped the cabin would help you like it helped him. He has in that room he made us, hundreds of pictures of us. Some I don't even know how he got; they were on my computer. He never stopped and chose to move on, he didn't try and replace you. When this is all over we'll watch the videos he made for us in that room in his cabin." Peter finished by kissing her cheek. Their faces so close their tears merged together diluting her the purple.

"Probably going to have to do it in prison, I don't think sword will just let her off scot free." Woo said again interrupting a moment Peter was trying to have with her.

"Dude?! I'm trying to make her feel better." Peter said shooting the Officer a dirty side glance.

"What did I do to people I 'switched off'. What happened to them."

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