Tell Me More

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                          After the Tragedy

"You know I feel really silly, having to be fed." She said, with a small smile on her face, nearly impossible to see. Peter continuing to fed her the chips he bought.

"Don't be it's okay. It's just you and me in here anyway." He said noticing her little smile. "So- they said your having a hard time remembering thing. D-do you remember us?"

"I do, not everything. I remember when we first got together. I don't remember specifically events too clearly yet, like they are there I just can't see them." She said, feeling bad.

"Well maybe I can tell you about some of the fun times we had. Maybe that will help you remember." He said sitting on the floor in front of her.

"Okay. That would be fun."

"Okay! Well, there was one time we went to the beach. I was wearing these ridiculous orange and red swim trunks. You tried to tell me they were ugly but at the time I thought they looked so good." He said chuckling at the memory.
"But they very much so didn't look good." She smiled.

"We got so sandy, that day. I- I remember jokingly asking you if you wanted to take a shower with me to make Ned uncomfortable." She said. She did remember that trip.

"Yeah! That's right and he said 'guys I told you I didn't want to be a third wheel' as if Michelle wasn't there with us." He laughed again, taking a sip from his coke. "Do you remember our movie list? It was a list of all the movies and tv shows we wanted to watch together, we had a nasty habit of rewatching all the good ones."

"Yeah, I made you watch stranger things, even though you were worried you'd get scared." She giggled.

"I'm glad I did, I throughly enjoy it." He said, he was so happy she was retaining these memories. "Remember when we told Aunt May we were dating and she-." But Mary cut him off.

"She straight up said she thought I was a lesbian." She giggled along with Peter. "I remember being flattered she thought so highly of me. I- I mean no offense to you of course but woman are just gorgeous."

"I'll have to agree with you there." Peter said laughing along with her. "Do you remember the night before we dusted? You had come over and we watched Jurassic Park." He said hoping to jog some new memories. He could sense the camera zooming in and watching them, he was trying to help out Woo and Rambo.

"Your the biggest Jeff Goldblum simp." She giggled remembering his fascination with the actor. "And we accidentally gave each other the biggest hickies."

"Yeah! We used Mays makeup to try and hide it."

"And that one alien wiped it off your neck, thinking you just had spots. Then thought I was made of iron. 'Was it painful to make love with such a woman made of hard metal'" they both laughed and cringed. This was good. Peter was getting her closer to talking about the day.

"And we woke up with Dr Strange telling us it had been five years..." Peter said hoping for her to talk. Her face dropped. Her smile disappeared, he brought back the feeling of pain and dread.

"I don't want to talk about that. It hurts too much." She said looking away from Peter, he felt bad now.

"Okay! We don't have too. How about the time we found out that Flash had a very blurry picture of me in my Spider-Man suit, as his iPhone background. That he took one day while I swung by." He tried to bring up another funny memory but her face was still sad. "Do you remember our playlist? That you'd put on when we'd drive too school?"

"Yeah it had all those old songs from the 70s in it. Mr Blue Sky." Her smiling come back. "Tell me more about us. To help me remember."

"Well I always used to come to your apartment when I was done patrolling the city for the night and I'd try and sneak back home early. So May wouldn't catch me." Her smile was back, Peter released a breath he didn't realize he was holding in.

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