A New Moon

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It was the middle of October now, Peter had been gone nearly a month in a half. Things had been tough. Everyone who knew Peter was Spider-Man knew the truth. That Peter had left and became Spider-Man 100% of the time. Those who didn't know were told Peter and her were taking a break.

Mj quit her job at the daily bugle. It was hard to get out of bed. Let alone go to a job. She'd spend her days watching the news, listening to the latest report on Spider-Man. Peter was doing good,  saving so many people. At least it looked like he was doing good on the news.

She hadn't heard a word from him since that painful night. However, she would find flowers webbed to her balcony door every once and a while. She didn't know if that made her feel better or worse. Knowing he was just there, that he still thinks of her. And yet she can't see him.

Despite worrying about Peter all day everyday, his name was forbidden. Always being referred to as him. Michelle knew better than to ask Mj about him. Michelle would force her to go out to lunch with her once every week. Michelle even let Mj pay everytime. Just to make her feel wanted. To make her feel needed.

By this point Michelle and Harry had broken up. Harry was too obsessed in wanting revenge on spiderman. And they constantly got in fights over it.

Mj's days were slow without him. A lot of laying on the couch with the cat, and forcing herself to do basic things like shower and get changed. Peter had been her quote on quote anti-depressant since freshman year. Without him her mental health began to spiral. Without him she never felt grounded. He was her sunshine. She had spent so long in the sunshine, she had not been prepared for this new moon

The nightmares got worse. All different ones now. She'd dream about finding his body, mangled and bloodied, on her balcony. She'd dream about being attacked and taken by Norman again, and no one would be there to save her.

Miles would come over every weekend to spend time with her. Mj felt bad, he should be hanging with his friends not her. But still ever single Friday night, Miles would be at Mj's door. She'd always ask the same question when he first walked in.

"Did you see him?"

The answers would vary. Most of the time it would be yes but he ignored Miles. Despite Miles's constant harassment in the beginning, he would never say a word. Besides directions. 'Help me with this' 'go do that' very generic stuff.

Her wrist healed up fine. It feels weird just as Bruce said it would. It's not her own wrist anymore. Miles thinks it's funny to call her a cyborg.

Tonight however was a Wednesday night. Everyone was busy with college or highschool homework. No time for Mary Jane. And she was fine with it.

She put on his mid town high sweat shirt and some thick mom jeans. It was getting very cold out again. She lost her personal heater.

She wanted to walk to dinner. Delmar's was a decent walk away. That would give her time. She wanted to get mugged. She wanted to get attacked. She wanted Spider-Man to save her.

She felt some rain drip down as she looked up at the moon. It was a new moon. Walking down the street, she looked around carefully. If he found out she was WALKING at NIGHT on THAT road, surely he'd stop her. Pick her up and swing her away. She'd give anything just to hold him again.

However tonight was weird. This was one of the worst streets in New York but no one was there. No homeless sitting on the curbs. No shouting. No con artists. It was just empty.

Even the deli was quiet. Just Delmar and his cat.

"Hey Mary Jane. I haven't seen you and peter around here in- hey where's Peter?" The kind man at the cash register asked.

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