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"BFP?" Mary said reading Peter's suit case as she helped put it in her car. She was picking him up ready to take him to school, a bus would be driving them to the air port.

"Benjamin Franklin Parker, this was uh uncle Ben's case." Peter said smiling sheepishly at her.

"Oh right. That's sweet." She said awkwardly. Every-time they were alone together- felt uncomfortable. Peter kept acting really weird around Mary over the last several weeks and she was worried it was because they were drifting apart.

They hopped in Mary's car and started driving to school. Putting their suitcases in the bus and sitting in a seat together.

"So we've got a 9 hour flight- I downloaded a bunch on movies on my phone. So we can watch them on the plane!" Peter said enthusiastically while the bus drove towards the air port.

"If uh we sit next to each-other. Mr Harrington made a seating chart. I guess like to balance out the planes weight or something. But hopefully we can sit next to each other." Mary said awkwardly looking out the window. She was not going to be convinced Peter would actually go on the trip until they were holding hands on a boat in Italy.

Peter sighed, hoping that they would be sat next to each other. Maybe she'd forgive him during the 9 hours they had. That's when Peter had a nice idea for her!

After getting through security Mary and Peter were walking to their terminal.

"You know I brought that red dress of mine you really like. I was thinking I could wear it-," but when she turned to look at Peter he was gone. She sighed.

She ran up to catch up with Michelle and Ned, realizing she was an idiot for thinking he could actually leave New York.

"Is he..." Michelle ask silently.

"He didn't even make it to the terminal. I would have thought he would have left last minute or at least say goodbye." Mary said sounding annoyed.

"He didn't even say anything?!" Michelle asked looking at Ned.

"Guess we gotta come up with an excuse for him." Ned said looking sadly down at Mary, disappointed.

The three of them waited in the seats at the terminal together for a good ten minutes before they saw him.

"I-I thought he left." Mary said standing up walking towards him. He was holding two cups of coffee in his hand.

"Hey!" He shouted with a huge smile on his I'm face. Mary run up to him and hugged him, the first genuine hug in days.

"I genuinely thought you left- i got worried you weren't going to come." She said slowly releasing her tight hug to look at him.

"What? No I couldn't leave now. I've been looking forward to this! I just left to get some coffee for us. Cinnamon on top, just the way you like it." He said handing her a cup.

"Awww. This is so sweet!" She said kissing his cheek. She hesitated before taking a sip of the coffees.

"Oh god I forgot you wanted to sleep on the plane. Im sorry, I should of got you something different." He said panicking.

"No no it's fine! It will be better to be awake anyway. Don't be sorry, this was really nice of you." She said taking a sip of her coffee. "Though we better finish it soon, I don't think they'll let us bring it on the plane."

"Oh right right. Okay wanna go sit down?" He asked.

"Yeah! I hope we are sat next to each other. What movies did you download?" She said taking a seat next to Michelle.

The Tragedy of Mary Jane StarkWhere stories live. Discover now