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                          After the Tragedy

"Are you still sleepy?" Pepper asked. She had woken Mary Jane up at 7 to get ready. Peter's Spidie sense woke him up too, but he chose to go back to sleep. Mj was sitting at the table trying to keep her eyes open.
"Yeah." Mary said rubbing her eyes.
"Does it still hurt to talk about Tony?" Pepper asked quietly.
"Mary Jane you don't have to lie to yourself." Pepper said sincerely.
"I'm not lying to myself I'm lying to you." Mary said smirking.
"That is such a Tony thing to say." Pepper replied sounded annoyed and amused
"Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree. Why are you asking anyway." Mary questioned.
"Well Jimmy and Monica are coming over to talk to you. Make a report out to General Ross. I just don't want you to lie to them about anything. So I'm trying to gage weather or not your comfortable talking about him." Pepper said drinking her coffee slowly.
Mary held her breath, she was going to lie if they asked if the wristlets can control her power. She'd have to say yes. Peter practically begged her not to tell them. He was right, they may send her to the raft. She's been able to control the mind reading power all by herself. It's fine.
"Mary?" Pepper snapped her fingers in front of Mary's face.
"Wha- sorry. Lost in thought. Don't worry I'll tell them anything they want to know." Mary said shaking her head. Pepper eyed her suspiciously.
"Right... well go get dressed. They should be here soon." Pepper said as Mary got up from the table and ran to her room.
"Peter." She whisper shouted in his sleeping face. "Peter!" She shook his shoulders. He smirked then quickly grabbed her hands and slinged them together with his own.
"Yes." He said finally opening his eyes to smile at her. "Wait what's wrong." His smile fell noticing the panic in her face.
"What do I tell them if they ask about my powers?" She whispered.
"Well, tell them the wristlets have been controlling them. I don't think it's a good idea to say anything about... you know. I just don't want them to take you away." He said kissing her in hopes to make her feel better.
"Hey it's fine, it's not like you haven't lied before. Remember that time we lied and told May that I was spending the night at Neds house. You were the one to say it not me." Peter said smiling at the memory. That was before May was to comfortable with them being together.
"Yeah but that was different. This is a lie that could genuinely get me in trouble." Mary said still nervous.
"But you've been fine! It's not like it's something that can be hard to control. You literally have to tap someone's head to make it work." He said.
"Your right your right. I guess I'm just nervous. I don't want to go back to SWORD. I can't. It was miserable." Mary said sounding a little more upset.
"And you won't. I promise. You've been fine. Pepper said I couldn't sit with you or else I would. Your going to be fine- then when I'm done with patrol tonight, we can just lay here and talk. Like we used too." He said sitting up to embrace her. She buried her head in his shoulder.
"Okay. I'm making it seem scarier than it needs to be." She excepted.
"It's okay to be nervous. But remember they were there to help you. They won't be there to try and sabotage you." Peter joked resting his chin on her shoulder.
"I need to get dressed." She said releasing the hug.
Pepper had asked them to go on the porch to talk. The summer air felt nice. She had brought smoothies out to all of them. Jimmy and Monica had brought another girl with them, the girl Mary recognized as Dr Foster from her sitcom world. However her actual name was Dr Darcy Lewis.
"This is just a really wonderful place to live." Jimmy said looking around at the wooden porch.
"Yeah Dad and Pep did a good job at designing it." Mary smiled.
"Now Mary, you realize why we are here. It's been nearly a month since you were sent home. We are just here to make sure everything has been going good. No accidents with the purple glow?" Monica asked.
"Non. These wristlets really have completely stopped the glow from working. I've also been learning to deal with my emotions better, so that's been helpful." Mary said.
"Well you look so good. You don't look sickly and tired anymore. So you sure seem to be doing better." Monica smiled. "Oh and this Dr Darcy Lewis."
"Hi, big fan of your sitcom." Dr Lewis joked. "Though not a fan of the role I played. At least you made me a Doctor and not a nurse."
"Dr Lewis I'm so sorry. Whatever pain I caused you, I truly am sorry." Mary said grabbing her hand.
"Nah don't worry about it. Ignoring all the terrible terrible grief I felt when it was my time to sleep, it was honestly blissful for the most part." Darcy said letting go of her hand.
"I understand that your friends with Thor?" Mary said.
"Yeah I hit him with a Van once." She giggled fixing her glasses.
"Oh... oh! Speaking of Thor, here Jimmy. I had just seen Thor the other day." She said handing Woo back the card.
"Oh wow thank you so much!" Jimmy was ecstatic.
"Yeah of course I owed you one."
"Now we really came here to check on you, make sure you doing okay and all that. oh and to ask, I know this is silly to ask but has you powers seemed to grow at all? Any new abilities that you know about?" Monica asked patiently.
Mary gulped. Just say no Mary just say no. It's not that hard.
"Uhh no. Nope. Non. Not that I know of. I mean I can't know cause of the wristlets. So yeah no non." She said nervously, hitting herself internally.
"Oh okay..." Monica said suspiciously. Than dropped. "Well anyway, you've been doing better yourself right. I know it just be hard, getting over it all just to have Captain Rogers die."
"Yeah that part has been a little sucky. But Peter had been very helpful and supportive. I understand if your not allowed to tell me but... is the town okay? Maple Twine Park I mean." Mary asked. She knew what they thought of her, but were they okay.
"Well, they are all a lot more paranoid I'll tell you that." Darcy said laughing. No one else laughed with her.
"Mary they- they aren't too happy that you got let out Scott free. They are just understandably angry right now. But besides that no one got hurt." Monica told her.
"I know they are mad at me. I saw the pictures- them writing witch and terrorist on my statue. They all hate me. But you? Do you not hate me too?" She turned to Darcy.
"Hey man if I had the power to create my ideal reality I would." Darcy replied.
"Well that's comforting." Mary smiled. "Anymore questions you need to ask me?" Mary asked.
"Nope. We just really wanted to check up on you. We are glad your doing better Mary." Jimmy smiled.
"Thank you."
"When do you start school again? 2 weeks?" Jimmy asked.
"3 actually, it's crazy that Peter and I are going to be seniors this year!" Mary said cheerfully.
"Hey well I hope you enjoy it! Probably missed prom your Junior year right?" Jimmy questioned.
"Yeah. But we'll have this year."
"Well Jimmy we need to head back. SWORD duty calling." Monica said sitting up from her chair.
"Oh okay, well it was nice officially meeting you Dr. Lewis. And good to see you guys." Mary said standing up as well.
The three left. Mary nervously walked inside, swallowing hard.
"You lied to them!" Pepper said marching out of her room.
"I saw your face. They asked you a question and you got all nervous and weird. I watched it through my window. You lied to them Mary!" Pepper shouted.
"You watched us? That's a little invasive. And I didn't lie to them."
"I didn't hear what they asked you but they got serious and you got nervous! Why else would you act like that Mary Jane."
"Oh- Pep they were asking me about... about Peter and I's relationship. So of course I got nervous and blushie. Three grown adults were asking if uh if there could be any way I was pregnant when we blipped. Said it would have been bad for the baby. But I told them no." Mary said trying her very best to not look suspicious.
"Why would they ask you that? I never heard that the blip could mess with a baby?"
"Who knows, Pep."
"Okay... well your definitely not pregnant right?"
"I- oh my god no. I'm not. I'm going to try and go back to sleep." Mary said not wanting to have that conversation anymore. She left without giving Pepper a chance to say anything more.

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