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"You smell better." Mary laughed as Peter laid down next to her. She had made him shower when they got home from their Friends-Giving evening. He still smelled like sweat even at the restaurant.

"T-thanks?" Peter giggled. Things got quiet and tense.

"Peter- I-. Okay, I don't think what your doing is good for you. Like- you never get any sleep. You never have time for homework. You piss Ned and Michelle off every-time you cancel plans. You've taken more bullets in the past month then you ever have! I just don't think this is very healthy. I'm tired of finding out you had to rip a bullet out of your body every night. Like I understand that you heal quickly but it's still not okay to continue to get shot at. I think you need to tone down Spider-Man. I'm not asking you to stop or cut down on your patrol time. I can't ask that of you- but I'm going to at least ask that you get home at a reasonable time. And get some genuine sleep." Mary said sadly rubbing his cheek.

"I know- I know this is bad. I think I've just been feeling guilty that I was gone for so long, trying to make up for lost time you know? I promise I'll be better at time management. I can't keep forgetting to live life. I promise I'll be better." Peter said sitting up. He did realize it wasn't good for him.

"Yeah I've heard that before." Mary whispered under her breath. However last time she did hear it Tony really did try. "God Pete when was the last time you shaved your face." She sadly chuckled and felt his chin.

"Like two months ago." He sheepishly whispered.

"Aww you started to get baby stubble." She giggled. "Slightly prickly." She said taking her hands away from his face.

"Oh what the three total hairs on my chin." He laughed rubbing his face. Then he got serious again. "I heard Mr Harrington talk about a school trip to Europe. Maybe that's the vacation I need."

"Europe sounds fun. I think it's over Christmas Break." Mary said sitting up too, just to try and pull him back down. "Please sleep for a little- so you can enjoy tomorrow." She said cuddling up to him.

"Okay- I promise I'll try to be better."

The long awaited European trip was close- however Peter had not been fulfilling his promises. Still saying up so late to patrol and seemly got no sleep. He made an effort to at least hang out with his friends until the sun went down. Which never lasted for more than an hour after school.

"You sure he's not going to cancel on going to Europe?" Michelle said on the phone with Mary. "Like he's been canceling everything else." Michelle said under her breath.

"No he's been really looking forward to it. Like that's all he talks about to Aunt May and me. Keeps saying he needs a vacation." Mary replied.

"Well let's hope so. I thought you like- talked to him about it. If I was dating him I'd be pissed if he always canceled our plans."

"Yeah well I've been short with him. I think he knows I'm mad. But at least if we are in Europe he won't be inclined to be Spider-Man there." Mary said sounding annoyed.

"I guess so. Make sure he's packed I mean we leave tomorrow."

"Ahaha Michelle you sound like his mother or something." Mary laughed.

"I feel like his mother. The boy can't do anything for himself." Michelle laughed with Mary.

At the same time Mary and Michelle were on the phone Peter was on the phone with Ned.

"What's this plan for again? It doesn't make sense. You and Mary are already together.
Why do you feel so inclined to do this?" Ned said abstinent mindedly playing with his pencil using Peter as an excuse to not do his homework.

"Yeah I know. But like I feel so bad I feel like we've been drifting apart. And I don't want to lose her you know. So I- I wanted to do this big romantic plan. To make her feel special you know?" Peter said sitting on the roof of some building.

"I hear you I hear you. So what's the plan again?"

"Well in italy they have these pretty Venetian necklaces. Like they are made of this fancy glass thing. I want to get one in like the light blueish color. You know kind of like Tony Starks arc reactor core. Something like that. I'll probably have to sell some of my old action figures but it will be worth it." Peter said enthusiastically.

"So that's step one? What's next."

"Oh right. Well then after we go to Italy we go to Paris. She's known French for years and always tells me it would be cool if I learned some French. So I've been practicing saying 'I love you dear Mary Jane' in French. So I'll tell her that on the Eiffel Tower and give her the necklace."

"Is that all to your plan?"

"Well my hope is the rest of the trip we can you know spend it together. Idk I thought it was sweet? Is it not enough?!" Peter asked with genuine concern.

"Your doing more than I ever would. My plan for this trip is to be a single American bachelor. I mean Europeans love Americans right?"

"Uhh I guess. Who are you going to sit next to on the plane? I'm going to sit next to Mj if that's okay?"

"Dude Mr Harrington said we are having assigned seats didn't you listen to him today?" Ned said.

"Wait really? Shit. Okay uh well hopefully he'll put Mary and I together. If not hopefully she'll be sat next to Michelle or someone."

"Anyone but Brad huh?" Ned replied smirking to himself.

"What?! Uh well I guess it wouldn't be ideal if Brad sat with her. I'm just saying she'd have more fun with Michelle."

"No I think your just jealous Peter."

"I'm not jealous!"

"Peter if you weren't half asleep during the day you'd know that Brad is just being friendly. He's been really nice to all of us even you. But your to busy trying to force your eyes open." Ned said dryly.

"I know but after this ill cool it with the Spider-Man business. I owe her that much. But this is going to be fun! The plan is going to work out great!"

"Well good luck with wooing your lady, man. While I be the American bachelor!"

"Dude your still technically a minor- and I can't imagine we'll be meeting anyone our age." Peter laughed. "Listen man I gotta go to a banquet for Aunt May. I'll see you tomorrow." Peter said.

"Don't be late!! I don't want the trip to start off with Mr Harrington being pissed off at us!" Ned shouted into the phone before Peter hung up.

Later that evening when the banquet was over, Peter was feeling slightly depressed. He got crowed by groups of reporters asking if he was the new Ironman and what's the next stage for the Avengers. Then with Nick Fury trying to call him- it was just too much. He called Mj, hoping that hearing her pretty voice would make him feel better.

"Hey Mj! I- uh just got finished with the banquet. Your probably asleep right now which is great! I'm glad you've been getting more sleep then usual. Uh Nick Fury tried to call me today. But I let him go to voice mail. I really need this vacation Mj. I really do. So he'll just have to wait until we get home. Don't worry I'm all packed. I've got everything ready. Also another weird thing, my Spidie sense has been acting weird. Like it hasn't been working. It's probably stress, so hopefully Europe can help. I'll be outside before you even make it to my apartment building! I-I'll see you tomorrow." She hadn't answered. Peter left her that voice mail.

Oh god I hope she's okay... Peter thought to himself. He swung by her apartment just to make sure she was okay. He saw through her window her tv was on but she was fast asleep on her bed.

"I'll do better I promise. I will be better." He said to himself then swung back towards Aunt May's apartment.

He really did feel bad. He knew how much it would upset her when Tony wasn't around. He loved Tony but Tony wasn't around long enough to be able to prove to Mary he would be better for her. Peter was not going to let the same thing happen to him.

The Tragedy of Mary Jane StarkWhere stories live. Discover now