A May Funeral in Fall

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Peter swung Mj and Gwen away from the destruction. It was difficult with his injuries but he forced them to get away. It was too dangerous, Norman would so no mercy like he showed no mercy to Aunt May.

"Don't leave me. Please Pete your so hurt." Mj begged as he set them down on a near by roof. Far enough away to keep them from the  Norman's wrath, but close enough to where Peter can get back to the fight quickly.

"Mj get out of here! Both of you. I'm not letting anyone else die tonight." His voice strained. He was rage full and loud. Ignoring Mj's wincing from his loud voice.

"Your hurt! You can't go back you'll die. Peter you'll die." Mj sobbed clinging onto him. She could hardly stand with her leg. Gwen tried to pull her off.

"I have to go back." Peter whispered.

"Peter you are going to die doing this! You are going to die in that stupid costume!" She tried to pull away from Gwen but she was not strong enough.

"Get out of here, both of you! I don't care where you go just get as far away from here as you can." Peter said, mainly to Gwen. She was being reasonable. She nodded.

"Good luck." Gwen whispered.

"Let me go! Gwen let me go right now he can't go back." Mj tried to fight Gwen's grip but she could feel herself loosing. "You can't go back Peter he's going to kill you please!"

"We have to fix them. All three of them. It's the right thing to do." Peter held Mj's face in his hands.

"Is it even worth it? They'll kill you Peter." Mj choked.

"As long as your safe I don't care." Peter let her face go. "Gwen get her out of here please."

"Don't die Parker. Your wife needs you." Gwen said breathing hard.

"Gwen Stacy get off of me!! Peter Parker don't you dare go back!" Mj was struggling, but it seemed easy for Gwen to hold her back. Was she that weak? Or was she loosing too much blood.

"Mj please we have to go." Gwen said attempting to pick Mj up but failing. "Can you hop?"

Mj was leaning on Gwen and hopping on her not broken leg. Where the hell was Doctor Strange when you needed him.

Gwen stumbled, dropping Mj. She fell against the concrete roof with a loud smack.

"Fuck." Mj groaned. She closed her eyes. Surely she was going to die. At the very least her newly healed ribs were still broken, her tibia and or fibula were sticking outside of her body, and she was bleeding out. Face all scratched up. Perhaps she was also concussed from hitting the ground so hard.

"Oh my god Mj I'm so sorry!" Mj heard Gwen from what sounded like a great distance.

She didn't mind dying at this point. She fully expected non of the peters to come out of this battle alive. Norman truly had the upper hand with his own surprise variants. At least if she died she could finally rest. Be with Peter and Tony in the after life. That didn't sound so bad.

She felt someone pick her up with ease. It definitely wasn't Gwen.

"Are you hurt?" She heard her saviors voice ask.

"No, one of the Peters saved me. But we need to get Mary Jane to a hospital. I can't even look at her leg it's so bad." Gwen answered.

Her savior held her awkwardly, as if afraid to put his hands in the wrong place.

Mj forced her eyes open. Miles was carrying her off the roof. His lip was busted up and he had several minor cuts on his face.

"Miles?" Mj asked weakly.

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