I love you and i like you

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"Does your nose hurt?" Mj said lightly touching it.

"Not really." Peter said quietly.

"Aunt May is probably going to kill you." Mj said quietly. They were walking towards the front entrance where they were told Happy was.

"Oh well. It was worth it, I've honestly have been wanting to do that for a very long time. I think I once even promised you I would punch him." Peter smirked.

"You could have killed him." She said sternly.

"I punch weak people all the time I know how to pull my punches." Peter said grabbing hold of her ridged hand.

"Hey what the hell happened?" Happy said as they exited the school.

"Peter punched a kid but the principal let us off Scott free." Mj said.

"Well your missing most of the story. Some kid was harassing Mj and almost punched her so I punched him first. He got me once though." Peter said holding his nose. It started bleeding again.

"Jesus are you alright?" Happy asked Mj.

"I'm fine I'm not the one bleeding." Mj said pointing to Peter.

"The ass hole bruised her arm." Peter said holding his shirt sleeve up to his nose. The tissue was too full.

"Where let me see." Happy said trying to look under her jacket.

"Stop Happy I'm fine." Mj protested. She pulled out her phone.

Michelle🖤- dude what happened. that miles kid came and found me. saying that peter told him to leave. he said brad was yelling at you? are you okay?

Ned🤪- I heard Brad punch Peter what happened?!

Betty- Mary I'm so sorry I told Brad not the take them.

Flash- do you have a video of Peter punching Brad? That was so awesome I need to post it.

"Well apparently everyone knows about what Brad did." Mj said looking up. "Miles was with you?"

"Yeah we were going to pick you up and I saw Brad freaking out on you. I told Miles to go away than I ran over." Peter said sheepishly opening the car door for her.

"May's pissed by the way." Happy said getting in the drivers side. Mj sat down and opened her bag, grabbing tissues. Peter buckled in and Mj held the tissues against his face. "I'll talk to her though. Explain why."

"Thank you Happy." Peter said. "I can hold them it's fine." He chuckled grabbing the tissues from her.

"I think I have an ice pack in my lunch box. It might not be super cold but it might help." She said rummaging through her bag.

"Mj I'm fine seriously." He said grabbing her hand. "I deal with this all the time it's not a big deal. I've literally come home with bullet wounds."

"Yeah but this never happened because of me." She said bashfuly.

"I'd take a million of Brads pathetic punches if it means he won't punch y-you." Peter said awkwardly, because Happy was definitely listening.

"Peter your making me blush in front of Happy." Mj giggled and slightly hit Peters shoulder.

"Yeah please stop this is very uncomfortable for me." Happy said.

"You punched a kid?" May said furiously walking through the door of her apartment. Happy Peter and Mj were sitting on the couch

"Yes but-," Peter tried to say.

"And Karen's daughter's boyfriend of all people!"


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