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Later that evening, the two arrived back at the house after their outing during the day.

"Our parents aren't back yet, how late do you think they'll be gone?" Jimin wondered. "I'm not sure, but I think I know why they're gonna be out so late." Yoongi laughed to himself as his face started to redden slightly.

"Why?" Jimin was partially clueless. "Never mind." Yoongi shook his head as they headed upstairs to their bedroom, Jimin sitting on the bed.

"Oh, wait, I think I know now." Jimin smirked. Yoongi sat down beside him, letting him hold his hand as he shyly peered over at the smaller.

"I mean, tomorrow is our last day here, you know...." Jimin started. "I know, it's just, are you sure you want to? We can hold off on it if you want to-" "Yoongi." Jimin cut him off.

"Yes?" He glanced into his eyes. The boy started opening his mouth to say something but ended up laughing. "You've never done this before, have you?" Jimin assumed.

"No." Yoongi shook his head. "But that doesn't mean I don't know what I'm doing." He pointed out confidently. "Oh." The younger started to blush himself.

"I'm only asking because I don't want you to feel obligated that you have to do that with me-" Jimin ended his talking there, pressing their lips together to shut him up.

"The last one didn't ask for consent." Jimin laughed bitterly against Yoongi's lips. "Oh, Jimin I'm really sorry." Yoongi leaned away slightly, carefully caressing his face.

"I mean, he didn't take advantage of me, we both weren't sure but we didn't bother to say anything about it." He reiterated.

"Do you want this, Jimin?" Yoongi asked. Jimin smiled faintly and nodded assuringly as he reconnected their lips.

Yoongi was starting to mentally thank his parents for forcing him to get out the house this summer.

Jimin broke away from the kiss to catch his breath, gazing into Yoongi's eyes contently as he laid down onto the bed and pulled Yoongi down with him to continue, the slightly taller male repositioning himself in between Jimin's legs.

"Yoongi, wait..." Jimin suddenly stopped him. He was given a look of confusion, the smaller nervously averting his eyes away from Yoongi's.

"It's okay if you're not ready to go all the way. I understand there still some fear that I might be like your ex, right?" He assumed.

"It's not like that, Yoongi. I really don't mean it like that but-" He stopped talking once he noticed Yoongi was laughing quietly. "I know how you're feeling right now, Jimin. Trust me, it's okay." He nodded.

"I won't go all the way then, okay?" Yoongi said. "But what about you? You're not gonna get anything out of this tonight if you're only doing things to me." Jimin frowned slightly.

"We still have tomorrow night." Yoongi winked. "Right." The boy started to blush again, allowing Yoongi to reconnect their lips, deepening the kiss as his tongue entered Jimin's mouth.

No, Jimin would never call himself easy, but something about Yoongi's touch was enough to get him aroused quicker than anything else typically would.

He swung his arms around Yoongi's neck, slowly brushing his fingers through his soft raven hair as their lips glided against each other's sensually.

The older gently slid his hands up the sides of Jimin's shirt, softly outlining the boy's slim waist with his cold, slender fingers, sending involuntary shivers throughout his body.

Yoongi leaned away for a moment, pressing a small kiss onto the tip of Jimin's nose. "I love you so much." He whispered. "I love you too." Jimin whispered back.

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