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"Where's Yoongi? Is he alright?"

Jimin was asked all morning up until their lunch period, which is when he'd said he'd tell the rest of his friends what had happened last night.

"Yoongi is in the hospital...on suicide watch." He finally answered.

"Oh, you intervened. Is he mad at you for that?" Jungkook wondered.

"In the moment he was because he was taken so abruptly, but he called me later last night to apologize. I just really want him to be okay." His voice wavered in the last sentence.

"Awww, he will." Jin hugged him tightly. "You're his reason for living, that's why he couldn't go through with it." He explained.

"But what's gonna happen when I die soon? This cycle will happen all over again. I don't want to cause that much trouble for you guys." Jimin shook his head.

"You won't. Yoongi will be okay by then too. It doesn't take much for him to grow and mature from certain situations." Taehyung said.

"I hope so." Jimin murmured.


After school, Jimin was dropped off at the hospital by his mother.

"Call me when visiting hours are almost done, okay?" She reminded.

"I will." Jimin responded before getting out of the car and headed towards the entrance.

He was given a guest pass and told where Yoongi's room was from the receptionist.

On his way up the elevator, he received a text from Yoongi.

Yoongi: Are you still coming today?"

Jimin: Yeah, I'm here now :)

He slid his phone back into his pocket as he exited the elevator and began walking down the hall towards Yoongi's hospital room.

Jimin knocked twice before Yoongi's nurse opened the door.

Yoongi seemed much better than yesterday. A lot more calm, that was for sure.

"Hey, you actually came." Yoongi smiled faintly as he sat up.

"Of course I did." Jimin smiled back.

Yoongi glanced at the nurse sitting at the desk, almost gesturing with his eyes for her to leave the room.

"Right, I suppose a little bit of privacy is fair." She nodded before standing up to leave the room, shutting the door behind her.

As soon as she left, Yoongi stood up from the bed and made his way over to Jimin, caressing his face gently before pressing their lips together for a few brief seconds.

Yoongi leaned away slightly, noticing that Jimin's bottom lip had started to quiver and he was avoiding eye contact.

"Don't cry, please don't cry." He whispered.

"I-I just want you to be okay." Jimin hiccuped as he broke into tears.

"Shhh, I will." Yoongi hugged him tightly. "I'm staying right here. I'm not going anywhere, Jimin. I promise." He assured.

"I d-didn't know they w-were going to do all of t-that last night. I-I'm really sorry for d-doing this to you." Jimin cried.

"Don't be, you did the right thing. I'm relieved to know you cared so much to risk it anyways knowing I'd probably react like that." Yoongi spoke quietly,

"I'll be out of here by Friday afternoon if all goes well this week. Then we'll go to the fall festival and have fun like I promised, okay? We can put all of this behind us." He said, gently wiping the tears away from Jimin's face.

Jimin noticed that Yoongi's arms were wrapped all the way up his forearms with a bandage wrap.

"They did this so I wouldn't be tempted when I leave. If I don't see the scars are there, then I won't think about it." He explained once he saw that Jimin had noticed.

"How long do you have to keep them on?" Jimin asked.

"For about a week. It'll help the healing process too." He said.

"Aw, now I can't kiss your wrists." Jimin pouted cutely.

Yoongi chuckled softly as he made the boy look up into his eyes.

"That was the cutest thing ever when you did that. It made me feel so much better." The older smiled brightly.

Jimin was happier than ever to see him smile like this.

"Aw, really? I'm glad that helped." He beamed as he leaned in to kiss Yoongi once more.

"I can't wait until we can go on our date. I've never been to the fall festival here in Seoul." Jimin said.

"You'll love it. It's one of my favorite places to go this time of year." Yoongi said as he let go of Jimin, leading him over to the cozy sitting area of the room to watch television.

They sat on the couch, Yoongi holding him close in his arms as he scrolled through the tv stations.

"Do you have a lot of homework tonight?" Yoongi asked as he set the remote down.

"No, thank goodness. I get to stay here with you for a while until my mom comes to get me." Jimin hummed. "Were your parents here?" He wondered.

"Yeah, almost until three, but they still have to work, y'know." He reminded

"Right." The boy nodded before peering up at Yoongi's face.

"I miss seeing you all day." He said.

"I know, but I'll be out before you know it." Yoongi nodded, planting a kiss onto Jimin's forehead.


Jimin stayed until nearly ten o'clock at night, not wanting to leave Yoongi alone for the night, even though the nurse would be in there with him.

"Get some sleep tonight, Jimin. Don't worry about me so much, okay? I'm gonna be alright." Yoongi continued to reassure Jimin.

"I'll try." Jimin nodded

"I love you." He whispered as he held Jimin in his arms tightly.

"I know." Jimin teased playfully, Yoongi shaking his head slightly as he started to let go.

"I love you too, Yoongi." The boy finally said.

Yoongi pecked his lips before they let go of each other, Jimin waving as he left the room to leave home for the night.

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