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A week had passed. A painfully long week for Yoongi at that. He'd cried every night, hoping and praying that things would progress with restoring their relationship, but the teen had gotten nowhere.

Hoseok had transferred schools by then, so that issue was gone and through. He didn't have to worry about him sabotaging their chances at getting back together.

But at this point, Yoongi was really starting to think it was two late because he was noticing how close Jimin had gotten with Namjoon.

Jimin and Namjoon had indeed gotten closer. They talked everyday, texted each other during class and Jimin had gone over his house after school everyday that week.

They hadn't kissed each other since Jimin went over the first time, only because the boy still felt like it was wrong to do it.

But they still cuddled, held hands at school when they were alone together.

Today was the day of Homecoming ticket sales at lunch, which Jimin would be helping Jin with.

The two sat at the table, Jin unlocking the money box as students started making their way over to purchase tickets.

"So, how's things with Namjoon? You never even told me how the first time over his house went." Jin asked.

"Well, the first time I went over, we talked for a while, and watched a movie." Jimin began, starting to blush as he remembered the kiss.

"And...?" Jin rose a brow.

"He kissed me." Jimin smiled faintly.

"Awww~" Jin swooned. "That's adorable." He said.

"I haven't kissed him since then. We just cuddle a lot. He's really good at it." Jimin explained.

"I know, right? His arms are so nice. He goes to the gym every week, y'know?" Jin offered the small tidbit about Namjoon.

"But, we're not getting into a relationship at all." Jimin shook his head.

"What? Why not?" Jin asked.

"I know you really like him, Jin." Jimin giggled as he watched the older's face turn the shade of his bright pink hair.

"I don't, n-no way." Jin attempted to deny, but failed terribly.

"Just wait until I get over Yoongi, and he's all yours." Jimin nodded.

"Thanks, but please don't tell him." Jin clasped his hands together.

"I won't." Jimin laughed.

Towards the end of lunch, the line was winding down to just a few students, the last being Yoongi.

Jimin looked up at him awkwardly before speaking.

"Twenty dollars." He said flatly.

"I'm buying two, actually." Yoongi corrected.

"Um, okay....forty dollars then." Jimin responded, and Yoongi handed him the money. Jin handed him the tickets and the boy was on his way.

"Who the hell is the second ticket for?" Jin asked Jimin.

"I'd tell you if I knew." Jimin laughed. But deep down inside, Jimin hoped it was for him, even though he was still trying to get over him. It was very difficult to make up his mind.


After school that day, Namjoon met Jimin by his locker, coming up behind the boy and giving him a comforting back hug.

"Are you free to come over today?" Namjoon asked.

"S-Sure." Jimin nodded as he slid his backpack on. He turned around to face Namjoon, smiling softly as he leaned in to kiss him briefly.

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