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Later on that evening, the two stayed in Jimin's room to avoid his mother, more so that Jimin could help Yoongi sneak and spend the night.

"You're literally fine, I don't see why she doesn't want me to stay the whole night." Yoongi complained as he laid on Jimin's bed, the boy sitting at his desk completing school work he'd missed that day.

"It's not because she 'wants me to get rest', she just doesn't trust you still. It's so annoying." Jimin rolled his eyes.

"You still trust me though, right?" Yoongi asked.

Jimin swiveled his rolling chair around to face Yoongi.

"Of course I do." He nodded, Yoongi smirking slightly.

"I'm just messing with you, Jimin." Yoongi chuckled.

"Meanie." Jimin murmured as he turned back around to finish writing the last of his notes.

"Hurry up and finish your notes, I wanna cuddle." The older pouted.

"Okay, okay." Jimin scribbled the last few sentences before shutting his notebook and standing up from his desk. "You're so clingy." He laughed.

Jimin quickly changed into his pajamas, Yoongi already wearing his, before sauntering over to the bed and laying beside him.

"If my mom comes in here just pretend you're sleep. She won't make you get up and leave." Jimin instructed.

"Got it." Yoongi nodded as he held the boy close to him in his arms.

He reached a hand up and carefully ran his fingers through Jimin's fluffy blond hair, peering contently into his shimmery brown eyes.

"You're so pretty, baby." He whispered mindlessly, his finger gently outlining the smaller's face.

"Yoongi..." Jimin pressed his head against his chest to hide his blushing face.

"Hey, look at me." Yoongi said, Jimin leaning away slightly so that they met gazes again.

"I love you, okay? You know I'd never hurt you like I did before again, right? Y-You don't believe what your mom says about me, do you?" The older murmured.

"I love you too, Yoongi, I really do. Don't listen to my mom because she's still upset. I forgave you already." Jimin assured.

"We should go to sleep soon before my mom decides to check on me." He suggested.

"Yeah, we probably should." Yoongi agreed.

Jimin switched off the lamp on the nightstand before resting his head back against Yoongi's chest, closing his eyes and letting out a quiet hum.

"I can see the stars and the moon from your window." Yoongi whispered softly.

"I like to watch them from my balcony sometimes before bed when the sky is clear." Jimin whispered back, a sudden idea popping into his head.

"I think I know what I wanna do for our date." He smiled to himself.

"Stargazing?" Yoongi guessed, and Jimin nodded. "That'll be fun. I hope the sky is clear again like this. It's kinda hard here in the city to see the sky clear at night." He said.

"Yeah, I've learned." Jimin laughed. "But I still love it here. I have the bestest friends ever, and the love of my life." Jimin kept talking despite insisting they go to sleep.

"Aww, I'm the love of your life?" Yoongi teased.

"Shut up. If you get to be corny all the time I can too." Jimin declared.

"It's adorable when you do it." Yoongi chuckled quietly. "On a serious note, let's actually try and sleep. It's a school night." He reminded, Jimin humming in response.

The younger completely went quiet after a couple of minutes, though Yoongi was still wide awake.

"Baby?" He spoke in a barely audible whisper but didn't get a response, assuming the boy had gone to sleep.

"I'm gonna love you for as long as I live, even after you're gone. I promise. You mean the entire world to me." Yoongi held him tighter, planting a soft kiss onto Jimin's forehead before closing his eyes and drifting to sleep himself.

Nearly thirty minutes later, Mrs. Park entered the room to do a check up on Jimin. She was slightly angered that neither of them listened to her rule before it dissipated, and she realized how ridiculous she was being.

She carefully lifted up the comforter and placed it over their bodies a little further to keep them warm, smiling faintly at the wholesome sight before leaving the bedroom.


Jimin woke up to his alarm the next morning, promptly shutting it off as he laid back down beside Yoongi, who was already awake.

"I don't wanna go to school." Jimin uttered.

"We have to, come on let's get up." Yoongi urged as he sat up, peering down at Jimin before noticing how pale he looked.

"Hey, hey...you okay?" He asked softly.

"I-I don't know. I can't breathe that well right n-now." Jimin let out. "I'm scared." He said.

"It's gonna be alright, baby. Where's your medication?" Yoongi was trying not to show any signs of panic but it was nearly impossible.

"In my bathroom in the cabinet, it's labeled." Jimin answered quickly as Yoongi got up and rushed into the bathroom.

He scanned the medicine cabinet before finding the specific medication Jimin was taking, making his way back out to his bedroom and handing the bottle to him.

Yoongi was quick to get him a glass of water as well, the boy quickly downing two pills as tears spilled from his eyes.

"Shhh, I got you. We can miss a little bit of first hour. I just wanna make sure you're okay before we leave." He comforted him softly.

"I'm s-so scared." Jimin sniffled.

"I know you are, but I don't want you to be. You're going to be okay, I know you will." The older assured in a soft tone.

He held Jimin in his arms for a little while longer before he leaned away from him slightly, gently kissing away the tears on his face.

This was something he absolutely loved about Yoongi, how sweetly he'd comfort him when he had these upsetting mental breakdowns. It was so nice to be held by someone he loved more than anything and be told everything would be okay.

"Let's get ready for school, yeah?" Yoongi suggested, and Jimin nodded in agreement.

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