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That next day at school, it was getting a little more obvious to Jimin that Hoseok didn't like him, and the boy was starting to assume why as well.

It started in third hour when they were assigned to be partners for a project, but Hoseok immediately asked if he could work alone.

"No, this is a partner project. And Jimin is such a great student. You'll benifit from this." Their teacher said.

Jimin hesitantly sat beside Hoseok, the teen rolling his eyes discreetly. "I'm only doing one of the questions, you can do the rest." He stated blandly.

"Oh, okay." Jimin murmured. "How's Yoongi treating you?" He asked. "Great. I really love him." Jimin smiled softly, ignoring the fact that Hoseok was trying to be mean to him.

"Too bad you won't be around much longer." He laughed bitterly. "Yeah, too bad." Jimin responded boldly. Hoseok simply glared before speaking up again.

"You know Yoongi and I dated." He began. "For a year. He loved me a lot too." Hoseok crossed his arms.

"That's funny, because Yoongi told me he broke up with you after about a month, and he feelings only lasted a couple of weeks but he pretended he liked you...only to make you feel better." Jimin grinned.

"Yeah, funny." Hoseok's face had started to redden. Jimin was unsure out of anger or embarrassment, likely both.

"Listen, Jimin. I really don't appreciate you just showing up and dating my ex." Hoseok admitted. "Why? I thought that was girl code? And I don't even know you." Jimin peered at him innocently.

"I really shouldn't be telling you this, and I swear if you tell anyone I'll- look, I still love Yoongi, and I know deep down he still loves me too." Hoseok confessed.

"But right now, you're in the way of him and I getting back together." He frowned. "And I'll stop at nothing to get you out of the picture." He concluded.

"I really hate to burst your bubble, Hoseok, but that's not going to happen." Jimin shook his head just as the bell rang.

"See you at lunch!" He grinned as he stood up and headed for the door.


Later that day, just as the last bell ran dismissing them for the afternoon, Jimin was headed to his locker with Jin and Jungkook when Hoseok suddenly approached them.

"Hey guys, do you want to come over?" He peered at only Jungkook and Jin. "Sure." Jin smiled. "Yeah, I'll go. I don't feel like doing my homework right now." Jungkook laughed.

"What about Jimin?" Jin gazed at him momentarily. "When did I mention him?" Hoseok continued to smile, refusing to spare a glance at the smaller.

"Well that's a bit...rude. Why wouldn't you want him to come?" Jungkook crossed his arms. "Because we're going bike riding. Wouldn't that be a strain on your poor lungs?" Hoseok finally looked into Jimin's eyes.

The boy could sense the hatred permeating off of him. If Jimin was being honest, it was starting to hurt. The feeling of knowing that someone  hates you isn't really a great feeling.

"It's fine." Jimin simply uttered before walking away. "Dude?!" He heard Jin whisper-yell to Hoseok as the distance got further.

Jimin didn't even realize he was walking right past Yoongi as he headed for the main front door. "Hey, Jimin?" Yoongi grabbed his wrist, stopping him.

"What's wrong? You look upset?" He noticed. "I do?" Jimin faked a puzzled gaze. "I'm fine." He smiled. "Oh, okay." Yoongi murmured, interlacing their fingers together.

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