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The next day at school started off just as bad as how things were the day before.

Yoongi had walked Jimin to his locker, the boy hesitant to open it and once he did, numerous papers with different variations of insults such as 'whore' and 'slut' fell from the inside.

Yoongi scoffed angrily ad he picked them up, tossing them in the nearby trash can.

"Ignore them, please. They just want a reaction out of you." Yoongi reminded, but it was hard for the boy to keep his tears in as he put his belongings away.

"You okay, hmm?" Yoongi asked as he swung his arms around his waist.

"I will be." Jimin answered, looking up to meet gazes with him.

"I don't want this to get to you like it did yesterday. You had me so worried, baby."

"I know, and I'm sorry. That was really stupid and selfish of me to try and do." The boy shook his head.

"No, don't apologize, Jimin." Yoongi said

"I'll see you later, okay? I love you." He added, pressing a kiss onto Jimin's lips quickly.

"Love you too." Jimin smiled faintly as he they let go of each other to head to class.

Art class, his first hour of the day, was the only class where people weren't taunting him at all. Jungkook, of course, was still worried for him.

"How've your been feeling?" He wondered.

"I really didn't want to come today." Jimin shook his head.

"It's going to end today, I promise." Jungkook nodded.

"How can you be so sure?" Jimin asked.

"I just am, you'll see." Jungkook assured.

And Jungkook was right.

It all started in third hour when numerous students were called down the principal's office, including Ueuhara.

Curious to know what was going on, Jimin excused himself to the restroom only to wander the halls near the front office.

He spotted an older man near the door, Ueuhara momentarily speaking with him before the principal stepped out and ushered them in, Jimin realizing it must've been Ueuhara's dad.

And that could only mean that Ueuhara, and those other students, were being punished for tormenting Jimin the entire day yesterday.

Moments after he went back to class, the boy was called down to the principal's office.

Jimin hesitantly entered, Ueuhara and his father standing up and bowing before sitting back down.

"Jimin, I would like you to know that I'm now fully aware of the incidents that took place in school yesterday and all I can say is that I'm sickened to hear some of the things that were said and done to you. I'm taking full action and students are being punished for what they've done." The man began.

"Ueuhara, is there something you'd like to say to Jimin?" His principal asked him.

Nervously, Ueuhara stood up and gave a full ninety degree bow.

"Jimin I'm sorry for starting that rumor, giving that teacher the fake note and harassing you." He apologized quietly.

The older looked like he'd been crying himself.

"As of today Ueuhara is being expelled and will no longer attend this school. He will transfer back to Japan and will be banned from any other transfer programs." The principal established.

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