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There was no type of word or sentence that existed to describe Jimin. And if there was a word to describe the most perfect, beautiful person ever that had much greater value than the ones that already existed, then that would be the first word Yoongi would use to describe Jimin.

He had no idea someone could make him feel the way that Jimin did.

So he got the boy a meaningful gift, something he'd wanted to get him to tell how grateful he was to have him in his life.

A promise ring.

Yoongi planned to give to Jimin before they left the fall festival.

Though, before heading to the fall festival, Yoongi wanted to take Jimin out for dinner early. It was almost five and they opened the park for the festival around six-thirty.

Yoongi had gotten dressed and ready at his house before he decided to make his way back over to Jimin's house to pick him up.

He arrived early, Jimin complaining that he wasn't done getting ready yet as he allowed Yoongi to follow him upstairs to his bedroom.

"What do you mean you aren't ready, you look fine to me." Yoongi tilted his head slightly.

Jimin was dressed in a soft brown colored sweater, beige jeans and a pair of white and beige sneakers.

"I didn't do my makeup yet." Jimin pouted.

"You look pretty enough as your are now." Yoongi nodded.

"Aww, Yoongi~" The smaller giggled softly as he sat at his vanity anyways, only deciding to put on a peachy toned glossy lip tint and a light brown eyeshadow, topping the look off with a very light layer of pastel orange blush.

He looked beyond real.

"There." Jimin stood up from the chair, reaching his black puffy coat.

As he stood back up, his lips were immediately met with Yoongi's, a bit taken aback before he closed his eyes a kissed back.

"Sorry, I couldn't help it. You look so pretty right now." Yoongi smirked against his lips.

"Thanks." Jimin smiled as he finished putting on his coat.

They left Jimin's house, the two getting into Yoongi's car to head downtown for the evening.

"Anywhere particular you wanna go eat?" Yoongi asked as he drove.

"I'm not too hungry, I could honestly just eat ramen." Jimin said.

"Ramen it is." Yoongi agreed.


"How come you're doing all of this for me?" Jimin wondered as the two ate their food.

It'd gotten darker outside, and the fall festival had just started so they'd be heading there soon.

"Because I want to, baby." Yoongi smiled softly, face reddening as they stared into each other's eyes.

He held his hand out on the table, Jimin reaching his over to interlace their fingers together.

"I'm so in love with you, Jimin." Yoongi spoke softly.

"Yoongi, come on, don't get all soft on me." Jimin started to blush as well.

"I mean it. You know I do." He gave Jimin's hand a tiny squeeze. "Let's go have fun tonight, m'kay?" Yoongi said, and Jimin nodded.

He paid for their food before they left the restaurant to head to the waterfront park to meet their friends.

"Jiminie!" Jin rushed over along with Jungkook to hug the boy.

"You're gonna have so much fun tonight. What do you wanna do first?" Jungkook asked.

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