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The next morning, Jimin woke up later than he usually would on a Saturday. And too his surprise, Yoongi was still sleep too. Jimin assumed the older must've been drained from letting out all of his pent up emotions the previous night.

"Yoongi?" He whispered, gently shaking his shoulder in attempts to wake him up.

Yoongi's eyes slowly fluttered open, staring deeply into Jimin's eyes before, out of habit, he reached a hand up to caress his face.

"Are you feeling a little better, hm?" Jimin wondered as he moved himself closer to Yoongi, their faces just centimeters apart.

"Yeah." Yoongi murmured, pulling his hand away from the boy's face to wrap his arms back around him.

"Really?" Jimin frowned slightly, noticing how Yoongi's eyes lacked any emotion.

"Yes, Jimin. I'm okay. I'm not even worried about it anymore." He lied convincingly.

"Yoongi, please don't lie to me." Jimin shook his head.

"I promise I'm okay, baby." Yoongi forced a small smile, leaning in and planting a tiny kiss onto the tip of his nose. Jimin didn't trust his word at all.

Before he could even try to pry the truth out of him, his phone began to ring, seeing that it was from Jungkook before immediately picking up.

"Jungkook? Oh my goodness, are you okay? What the hell happened last night?" Jimin sat up to speak clearly.

"It's a lot, honestly." Jungkook began with a sigh.

Last night...

Once it was announced the rest of the game was cancelled for the night, Jungkook was the first to make it in and out of the locker room. He needed to speak to Taehyung, not caring if Taehyung took what he said earlier the wrong way or not.

He slid his backpack onto his back, heading to the parking lot to patiently wait next to Taehyung's car. The boy had to drive him home anyways.

Jungkook could feel his heart racing against his chest as he watched Taehyung approach the vehicle, his eyes widening when he realized that Taehyung had gotten hurt pretty badly.

He had a bruise forming on his eye and quite a few scratches on his face.

"Taehyung-" "Get in the car, let's go." Taehyung spoke monotonously as he unlocked the door.

They both got into the car and as soon as Taehyung shut the door, he broke down into tears.

"Fuck, why do I keep messing things up with you? W-Why do I keep messing everything up?" He let out, unable to stop the sobs as he turned to face Jungkook.

The boy had never seen Taehyung this upset as long as he'd known him. Jungkook was too in shock to even form a response.

"J-Just forget it. C-Can I stay with you tonight at your place? I can't face my parents right now." He shook his head.

"Of course you can. My parents won't mind." Jungkook nodded quickly. "We can talk when we get there. I promise everything will be okay." He added.

The ride to his house was fairly quiet, all Jungkook could hear was frequent sniffles from Taehyung and multiple 'I'm sorry's.

Once at Jungkook's house, they entered quietly because his parents were likely asleep.

The two crept upstairs and down the hall to Jungkook's bedroom, the boy shutting the door after they both stepped inside.

"I'm s-so sorry, baby." Taehyung started to cry again.

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