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When Jimin arrived home, he struggled to unlock the door because the amount of tears flowing from his eyes.

Yoongi had cheated. Jimin didn't think Yoongi was the type to ever do something like that. It was so painful to experience, and Jimin had no idea what to do from here on out.

He loved Yoongi too much, but he also knew that it would take a lot to forgive him for it.

Jimin entered his house, attempting to keep his sobs quiet, but his mother rushed to the foyer to see what the sudden commotion about.

"Oh, sweetie what happened?" She asked, Jimin rushing over to hug his mother tightly. She'd never seen Jimin so upset in her life. Of course, it was bad when Jimin learned he wouldn't make it past June, but this was a different type of pain she'd never seen him in before.

"Did something happen at the party?" She spoke quietly, his father entering soon after her.

"Did Yoongi do something?" Mrs. Park suspected.

"H-He cheated, mom." Jimin let out. "I n-never thought he'd d-do anything like t-that." He hiccuped, the notional lump in his throat paining him. Everything hurt at the moment.

He thought heartbreak was more metaphoric, but Jimin didn't think he'd actually be able to feel physical pain in his chest from this.

"I d-don't know what to do." He cried.

"Well, there's not much you can do. Do you want to break up with him?" His father asked.

"I don't want to, I love him too much. But this just h-hurts so bad." Jimin admitted.

He couldn't break up with Yoongi. He was too attached to him and too in love with the older to do that, but at the same time, he wouldn't be able to stand seeing him knowing that he'd just cheated with Hoseok.

And what made it worse was that he heard how aware Yoongi was that it was wrong, but he still went forward and did so anyways.

And what hurt even more was the fact that Yoongi had still did that despite Hoseok's previous complications with Jimin.

"I-I just wanna go to bed." Jimin cried as he let go, sniffling as he wiped his tears away with his sweater sleeves.

"Okay, if you wanna talk, or need anything, your father and I will stay up later just in case." She assured.

"M'kay, g-goodnight." Jimin quickly mumbled before heading upstairs to go to his room and go to bed.

He didn't even change out of his regular clothes into pajamas, just quickly got into his bed, letting the tears continue to flow as the scene repeatedly replayed of Yoongi intentionally kissing his ex.

His phone began ringing, the boy letting out a pained sob seeing that it was Yoongi calling him.

He answered anyways, not having a care in the world for what the boy had to say.

"Baby, please listen to me-" "I h-hate you. I h-hate you so m-much, Yoongi." Jimin cried into the phone.

"Please let me explain, I promise what you saw meant nothing." Yoongi tried.

"I h-heard everything." Jimin frowned.

"Hoseok and I are done for good. Nothing else will happen between us-" "You knew what you w-were doing. You s-said it yourself!" Jimin cut him off.

"W-Why would y-you do that to me?" His head began to throb from crying so hard.

"I t-thought you loved me?" Jimin sniffled.

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