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"You okay, Jimin? You've seemed so sad lately." Jungkook wondered as they sat in art class. Ever since that Saturday after his date with Yoongi, he'd been acting like that.

"I just...I don't know. I'm scared things might change between Yoongi and I because my illness is worsening quicker than I thought it would." He explained.

"What do you mean it'll change?" Jungkook asked. "Change as in, he might lose interest and me, or we might get distant because I'm going to- I'm not going to be around." Jimin said.

"I highly doubt it, Jimin. Do you not understand how much he's in love with you?" Jungkook rose an eyebrow in disbelief that Jimin even had that thought.

"I don't know." Jimin giggled nervously. "I remember when you weren't here one day last week because you had a doctors appointment and at lunch, Yoongi talked about you." Jungkook recalled.

"Really? What did he say?" Jimin was curious to know. "Describing how perfect you are and how he wants to take you on dates to places you want to go. Just a bunch of mushy stuff. I don't  really want to repeat it." Jungkook shuddered.

"But most importantly, he wouldn't shut up about how much he loves you." He added.

"Aww." Jimin smiled to himself. "I think maybe you should talk to Yoongi about it. Tell him how you're feeling about everything." Jungkook suggested.

"I will, he's taking me on another little date after school." He remembered, beginning to blush at the thought.

"That's so cute. Taehyung barely takes me on dates anymore." Jungkook pouted.

"You ever think about breaking up with him?" Jimin frowned slightly. The entire school year so far, it seemed like Jungkook never had anything positive to say about his boyfriend,

"I can't, Jimin. I love him too much, and the last time we did take a break, he was really sad. I can tell he really wants to make things work between us, but his priorities are in a different place right now." The boy sighed.

"Which I totally understand, I just wish he'd put time aside to be with me too." Jungkook concluded.

"I hope you know how lucky you are to have Yoongi." He peered over at Jimin, the smaller nodding in agreement.


When it was lunch time, Jimin ended up running into Hoseok, something that he'd heavily been avoiding ever since their last run in with each other.

He ended up following Jimin to his locker, the younger hesitantly turning to face him once they reached it.

"If you're here to remind I'm going to die or insult me, just get it over with already." Jimin let out.

"No, I'm not here to do that." Hoseok began, crossing his arms as he eyed Jimin.

"Then what do you want?" Jimin wondered.

"I just need to ask a question. I'm in charge of brining snacks for Namjoon's birthday get together, I need to know what you can and can't eat because of your condition." Hoseok answered honestly.

"Oh." Jimin let out, avoiding Hoseok's burning gaze. "Just nothing spicy or too high in sodium, it would be really detrimental to my health." He informed.

"Great, got it." Hoseok smiled fakely before walking away.

"Well that was weird." Jimin mumbled to himself as he turned around and opened his locker, reaching in to grab his lunch bag.

He heard footsteps approaching, ignoring them assuming it was Hoseok coming back to get a last word in.

He felt the person step up behind him, their hands reaching across his face to cover his eyes.

"Guess who?" Yoongi spoke quietly, a small giggle leaving Jimin's mouth. "I don't need to guess, I think it's obvious." He responded, Yoongi removing his hands from Jimin's eyes to wrap his arms around his waist instead.

Jimin turned around to face him, smiling faintly as they met eyes. "You okay, Jimin?" Yoongi asked worriedly, noticing the boy didn't seem half as cheery as he'd typically be.

"Yeah...can I talk to you after school? It's kinda important." Jimin began. "Of course, is everything okay?" The older still seemed worried.

"Yeah, I just wanna talk to you about something." Jimin clarified.

"M'kay, I was just making sure." Yoongi said.

"Where are you taking me after school?" Jimin asked as they let go of each other, heading to the cafeteria hand in hand.

"There's this really pretty cafe I wanna take you to, and I think you'll like it a lot." Yoongi said. "Oh, okay. I'm excited to go now." Jimin spoke giddily, something Yoongi would truly miss about Jimin after he was gone.

How he'd get so adorably excited about the smallest things. It was one of Yoongi's favorite traits about Jimin.

"Um, did Namjoon and Hoseok become friends again? Because Hoseok mentioned he was in charge of getting snacks for his little get together." Jimin brought up.

"Oh, no they didn't. Hoseok just offered to buy snacks, as an attempt to seem like he's not all so bad. He's not convincing anyone though." Yoongi shook his head.

"Oh that makes more sense." Jimin said.

"He hasn't said anything mean to you today, has he?" Yoongi wondered.

"No, he didn't." The boy responded.

"You'd tell me if he did right? So I can take care of it?" He turned to face Jimin.

"I can stand up for myself y'know." Jimin murmured.

"I know, baby, but-" "No understand, you're just protective over me, that's all. I really love that about you." Jimin admitted, blushing faintly as he peered over at Yoongi to look into his eyes.

Yoongi stopped walking, a grin making its way onto his face as as he pulled Jimin closer to him. "Yoongi-" Jimin managed to giggle before the slightly taller teen pressed their lips together gently.

"I'm not going to let him hurt you, I promise." Yoongi whispered against Jimin's lips.

Sadly, Yoongi was unaware that Hoseok had already had things planned  that he had no way of preventing to happen.

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