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After school that day, Jimin grabbed his backpack and other belongings from his locker before shutting it, Jin and Jungkook approaching before he could walk away.

"What are you going to do at Namjoon's house?" Jin wondered.

"I don't know, I guess just talk and if things go further...I don't know." Jimin's face started to redden slightly.

"Aww, so you do like him?" Jin assumed. "No, I don't. Namjoon's really sweet, but I can't just do that to Yoongi, it doesn't feel right." Jimin shook his head.

"But you aren't together-"

"Don't force it on him, geez." Jungkook nudged Jin.

"Okay, whatever, have fun." Jin waved as Jimin began walking away to head to the front door.

As promised, Namjoon was standing there waiting, grinning upon seeing the younger walking closer to him.

Yoongi was not too far from the door, frowning slightly as he watching Jimin smile happily as he spoke to Namjoon. It was the first time he'd seen the boy smile since Friday.

"Jimin!" He called, the boy's smile dropping as Yoongi got closer to the two.

"What do you want?" Namjoon asked flatly.

"Jimin, where are you going?" Yoongi ignored the taller teen beside him.

"None of your business." Jimin frowned.

"It kinda is..." Yoongi crossed his arms.

"It's not, we're not together anymore so why do you care?" Jimin let out.

"I just wanna know in case something happens to you. I want you to be safe." Yoongi tried.

"He'll be just fine with with me. Come on, Jimin." Namjoon answered, swinging an arm around the smaller's shoulder as they left the building.

Yoongi was obviously suspicious of that and wanted to follow them, but he didn't want to make matters worse.

The two got into Namjoon's car, Jimin sitting quiet as Namjoon began driving to his house.

"So, what's your status with Yoongi right now?" Namjoon asked out of curiosity.

"We're not together, and not on talking terms." Jimin uttered, getting sad thinking about it again.

"That was such a shitty thing to do, I had no idea Yoongi was like that." Namjoon scoffed.

"Me neither." Jimin shook his head.

Once they arrived at Namjoon's house, the two entered inside, taking off their shoes before Namjoon led them into the kitchen.

"Where's your parents?" Jimin asked as he looked around, the room triggering the memories of Friday night.

"Work. They don't get home until really late on weekdays." Namjoon explained as he reached into the fridge and grabbed a bottle of sparkling water.

"Um, so what did you want to talk about?" He asked.

"Um, can we talk somewhere else? This room is kinda triggering." Jimin admitted. "Oh, gosh I totally forgot. Of course, follow me." Namjoon quickly guided Jimin out of the kitchen and down the hall to living room so they could sit and talk.

Jimin sat fairly close to Namjoon on the couch, feeling overly warm out of nervousness.

"Jin told me at school today that you have a thing for me, is that true?" Jimin asked, peering up into his eyes hesitantly.

"Kinda, Jin just over-exaggerates. I just called you cute and said I'd probably date you if you were single." Namjoon answered honestly.

"You like Jin too, don't you?" Jimin smiled faintly. "I'm not supposed to...but I do." Namjoon sighed.

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