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The next day, late in the afternoon, Jimin had woken up from a nap to get ready early, all because he wanted to pick something perfect to wear for his and Yoongi's first official date.

He was seriously nervous, and he didn't necessarily know why. He'd been around Yoongi so much the past few weeks so he didn't understand why he was suddenly so terrified of meeting up with him.

He stood in his closet, trying on multiple different outfits before deciding on something simple, a white tee paired with a light green cardigan, skinny jeans and a pair of white sneakers.

Jimin took his time applying a light layer of makeup and making sure his pretty blond hair was styled nicely, though he didn't have to do much to make it look decent.

Even when he was done, he still had nearly two hours until Yoongi would pick him up. He sat in the kitchen, slowly eating a late lunch to tame the butterflies that had invaded his tummy shortly after he'd woken up earlier that day.

Yes, he'd been nervous all day.

"Do you know where he's taking you for this date?" His mother wondered as she sat near him. "I'm not sure, he never told me. But him sure it'll be nice." Jimin responded.

"Don't forget your-" "I know." Jimin said, promptly standing up to go back up to his room and retrieve his nasal cannula.

He sat back down in the kitchen staring at his phone as if he were waiting for some sort of message from Yoongi, but the older teen was likely getting ready himself.

Though to his surprise, his phone started to ring, and it was Yoongi calling.

"Hello?" Jimin answered quickly. "Hey, um, is ice skating on the list of things you can't do?" Yoongi wondered.

"No." Jimin said. "Great, okay." Yoongi smiled to himself. "Why, where are we going?" Jimin asked. "Lotte World." Yoongi responded.

"Really?!" Jimin got excited very quickly, his nervousness seemingly disappearing. "Yeah, I went during the summer and thought maybe it was a place you'd want to visit one day." Yoongi said.

"I can't believe you're doing all this stuff me. Thanks." Jimin smiled faintly. "You're welcome, I'll see you soon, okay?" Yoongi said.

"M'kay, bye." Jimin hung up. He looked back at his mom and smiled happily. "He's taking me to Lotte World." Jimin told her.

"Oh, how sweet of him. I know you really wanted to go there, right?"Mrs. Park asked. "Yeah, it's on my bucket list." The boy nodded.

"Well, have fun. And don't stay out too late, okay? Is he taking you back to his house for the night?" His mother wondered.

"I don't know, maybe. I'll call you if we do decided to go back to his place." Jimin assured.


Two hours felt like two minutes because before Jimin knew it, he heard the doorbell ring, saying goodbye to his parents before heading to the front door.

He opened it, smiling adorably upon seeing Yoongi standing there. "Hi." He murmured, holding his hand out for Jimin to take.

"Hi." Jimin responded as the butterflies started to appear in his tummy again, Yoongi eyeing him up and down. "You look pretty." He complimented.

"Thanks." Jimin started to blush. "You know it's going to get colder later on tonight, you don't wanna bring a jacket?" He informed.

"No, I think I'll be fine." Jimin shrugged as they walked to his car and got inside. "Okay, don't say I never warned you." He chuckled.

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