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Yoongi had woken up before Jimin the next morning, feeling more drained emotionally than he'd did all week. His eyes were a bit puffy and he had a terrible headache, squinting as the sun poured through the window into the bedroom.

As much as he regretted what he did last night, he was still afraid Jimin's mother wouldn't keep what she'd seen to herself, and he really didn't want Jimin to know.

Sure it seemed selfish of him, but he just didn't want to put Jimin through any unnecessary pain, especially after he still hadn't forgiven himself for cheating on the boy a while back.

He glared down at Jimin, the smaller squirming slightly in his arms as he started to wake up.

"Jimin?" He whispered softly, reaching his hand up from around his body to caress his face. "I'm gonna head home now, okay?" He said as he started to get up, but Jimin's grasp around him got tighter.

"Nooo, don't go." Jimin whined, lifting his head up slowly to look into Yoongi's eyes.

He could see through the older's blank expression, knowing that Yoongi was hurting so bad inside. Jimin didn't want him to leave.

"Please stay." He pleaded with his big sparkly eyes, and that was enough for Yoongi to change his mind and lay back down beside Jimin.

"Did you sleep okay? Your eyes are all red and puffy." Jimin noticed, though he knew it was probably because Yoongi had been crying, but he didn't want to bring it up and make things worse.

"Yeah, did you?" Yoongi asked.

"Mmhm." Jimin nodded with a quiet hum. "But, there was a point when I was asleep, but I could sense you weren't laying beside me anymore." Jimin revealed.

Yoongi felt his heart drop to his stomach, feeling horrible about what he'd did last night. No matter how good it felt, it was still so guilt inducing.

"Where's you go?" Jimin murmured.

"Just to the bathroom. Why are you so worried about that?" Yoongi frowned slightly.

"I was just-"

"My fucking god, Jimin. You were 'just worried'?" He mocked the younger as he sat up.

"Y-Yeah, I am." Jimin nodded as he sat up as well.

"Well you can stop, okay? I'm fucking fine. How many times do I have to tell you? I'm so sick of you assuming shit just because I had a breakdown once. Everyone has them. Stop being fucking ridiculous." Yoongi snapped.

He didn't even realize the severity of his anger at the moment until a tear started to roll down Jimin's face, then another...and another.

"A-Anything else y-you wanna say?" Jimin choked his way through the sentence.

Yoongi couldn't even face him, the guilt pouring in once more at the fact he'd just spoke to Jimin like that. It was all because of his stupid habit too. It made him feel even more worthless knowing how easily he just hurt Jimin within the span of seconds.

He stood up quickly, grabbing his belongings before heading towards the bedroom door.

Jimin let a few seconds pass before he stood up, sniffling as the tears continued to rush out of his eyes.

He knew Yoongi only snapped like that because of whatever was going on with him. Jimin knew the feeling oh too well. The feeling of starting to isolate yourself from everyone you love and  getting angry any moment they expressed how much they cared about you.

You weren't necessarily angry at the person for caring, but angry at the fact that you were about to leave them knowing you had numerous chances to save yourself.

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