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Yoongi had woken up a little earlier before noon the next morning, humming quietly at the pleasing warmth from the sun streaming through his window onto his face.

He peered down at the smaller boy in his arms, a smile already making a way across his face as he thought about last night. As much as Yoongi wanted to wake Jimin up now, he let him be, simply admiring how adorable he looked as he slept so peacefully.

He felt his stomach getting fluttery with butterflies as he observed every little detail of Jimin's face, unsure of how he could be this in love with someone.

Minutes later, Jimin's eyelids started to show subtle movement before opening slightly, adjusting himself in Yoongi's arms as he leaned his head up a bit so that they met gazes.

A tiny smile appeared onto Jimin's face before he giggled quietly at Yoongi's tranced expression.

"Yoongi?" He mumbled softly.

"Yeah?" Yoongi whispered, but Jimin simply shook his head, leaning in to press their lips together for a mere second.

Though Yoongi caressed his face and reconnected them before Jimin could even fully pull away, the both of them smiling faintly into the kiss.

"How was last night? I wasn't too rough, was I?" Yoongi wondered quietly after breaking away from Jimin's lips.

Jimin simply shook his head, continuing to gaze into his eyes before he finally spoke.

"Thanks for yesterday, it meant so much to me." He said, his grasp around Yoongi tightening as his stomach began to fill with butterflies as well.

"You know how much I love you, right?" His eyes started to glisten.

"Of course, I do, Jimin." Yoongi nodded, Jimin's gloomy tone worrying him.

"I just really love you." The boy whispered out, letting a few tears go.

"Shhh, don't cry. Why are you crying?" Yoongi held the smaller closer against him.

"I cry about this all the time." Jimin giggled in between his tiny cries.

"Well I don't want you to. Shhh, breathe, okay? I got you." Yoongi whispered softly, gently rubbing Jimin's back in small circles comfortingly.

"You're t-the best thing that's ever happened t-to me. I-I don't wanna lose you." Jimin said.

"I know, I know. I understand exactly how you feel." The older continued to comfort Jimin. "I'm sorry for worrying you so much, baby. I promise I'm not going anywhere." Yoongi apologized.

"No, don't apologize." Jimin shook his head.

The two kept quiet for a while, Yoongi allowing Jimin to regain a little bit of composure before speaking again.

"What do you want to do today, hmm?" Yoongi asked.

"Could we go to the fall fest later today again? Just you and I?" Jimin wondered.

"Sure, I'd love to. It was kinda hard to enjoy it last night since I wasn't with you the whole time." Yoongi admitted.
"No offense to our friends though." They both laughed at that.

"No, I get it." Jimin continued to giggle quietly. "But the rest of last night was fun." He smirked slightly as he sat up, placing himself onto Yoongi's lap.

"Yeah?" Yoongi smirked as well, carefully trailing his hands up the boy's thighs until he reached his waist, grasping it gently.

Jimin leaned downed to kiss him for a few sweet seconds, pulling away slightly to smile against his lips.

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