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The next morning is when Jimin had finally fully woken up from his two week coma. He'd spent the entire night half awake, regaining feeling starting at his head and it slowly making its way down to his feet.

His doctor was definitely surprised to walk in and see the boy wide awake, in which he immediately ran test.

As hoped for, Jimin was finally back to normal, and his stress levels had decreased quickly enough to prevent any further damage to his body.

He was brought a small breakfast that morning, unsure of whether he'd be able to hold the mug of tea. He grasped onto the handle, hand shaking slightly as he lifted up to his mouth.

"How long was I asleep for?" Jimin wondered, still unaware he'd been in a coma for the last two weeks. He thought it'd only been a day or two since he was put into the hospital.

"Jimin, you've been asleep for two weeks." The nurse informed.

"What?!" Jimin let out, sitting up in the bed, it quickly placing his hand in his head as he suddenly became dizzy from the news.

He laid back down, letting out a long, heavy sigh.

"Two weeks?!" He asked in disbelief, and the woman nodded.

"C-Can you call my parents?" Jimin mumbled.

"Oh, your parents have already been notified, they're likely on their way here now." She nodded. "Press the button beside your bed if you need anything." The woman added before leaving the room.

Jimin slowly ate his breakfast that consisted of porridge, strawberry milk pudding and a glass of orange juice.

He struggled to hold the spoon, his hand continuing to shake as he got used to holding things again.

His parents arrived just minutes later, Mrs. Park breaking into tears which startled the boy.

"Mom, I-I'm okay." Jimin murmured as the women hugged him as tight as she was allowed without possibly hurting him.

"We were so worried about you, sweetie. I'm so happy you're okay." She whispered.

"I happy I'm okay too." Jimin laughed nervously.

"How are you feeling?" His father asked as they sat in the chairs near his bed.

"Really weird. I would've never guessed I was in a coma for two weeks. Felt like a really long nap." He giggled, his mother tearing up seeing that he was truly back to his normal self.

"Did you call any of my friends? Do they know I'm awake now?" He asked.

"Yes, I called them as soon as I found out, any of them should be here soon." Mrs. Park nodded.

"D-Does Yoongi know?" Jimin asked.

"I think it's best we don't contact him, Jimin. We still aren't too pleased about what he did to you." Mr. Park answered.

"But dad, I..." Jimin hesitated slightly before he countered his father's suggestion.

"I forgave him. He didn't mean it, and this has all went on for too long." He admitted.

"We're not going to contact him." His mother shook her head.

"T-That's not fair." Jimin started to tear up.

"He's the reason your here-"

"It's my fault I'm here. I never let him explain himself and just believed what I wanted to believe. I don't wanna hear you blame him again." He shook his head.

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