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That night after dinner, Yoongi baked the cookies, but he did it himself instead of with Jimin, insisting that the boy lay down and cool off a bit because he was in a terrible mental state at the moment.

Just thinking about what people were saying about him all day made Yoongi furious.

He brought a few cookies and a glass of milk into the living room where Jimin was laying down, eyes pink and puffy from crying so hard all day.

Yoongi sat down, letting Jimin rest his head onto his lap as he scrolled through the tv stations to find a movie or show to watch.

Once he found one, he set the remote down, peering down at Jimin fondly as the smaller ate his cookies.

"You feeling a little better?" Yoongi whispered softly, gently brushing his fingers through Jimin's hair.

"Not really." Jimin admitted as he stared up into his eyes.

"I'm scared, Yoongi." He let out. "I don't wanna die, but at the same time, it seems like so many people wouldn't care if I wasn't around much longer anyways. What if I just took matters into my own hands?" He mumured.

"Jimin, don't say that. I would care, a lot. I don't wanna lose you early." Yoongi shook his head.

"I don't wanna talk about it anymore." Jimin responded.

"M'kay, we don't have to." Yoongi said.

They were quiet for a while as they watched the television, Jimin adjusting his head on Yoongi's lap slightly so he could look up into his eyes.

He simply waited until Yoongi noticed he was staring, the older peering back down into his eyes and chuckling softly.

"You know, I can't stop thinking about how you admitted you wanted to marry me." Jimin giggled.

"Shit, I did say that." Yoongi remembered, face beginning to blush madly at the thought.

"It was so cute though." The boy laughed, reaching a hand up to cup Yoongi's face.

"I wish we could live a normal life together. I really wish things didn't have to be like this." He sighed, smiling faintly as he felt Jimin gently stroking his cheek.

"Me too." Jimin agreed. He gently swung both of his arms around Yoongi's neck, pulling him down to connect their lips.

"I love you, Yoongi." He smiled against his lips.

"I love you too, so much." Yoongi whispered before reconnecting their lips.

The kiss was so passionate and sweet, Jimin almost didn't want to pull away for air, but after a while he did.

He sat up up from Yoongi's lap, leaning in to press their lips back together but stopped himself before they could continue.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi whispered as he glanced into his eyes worriedly.

"Maybe I really am easy. I mean, look how quick I just put myself onto you." Jimin murmured as he leaned away.

"What? Jimin, no you're not. Obviously you'd kiss me like that cause you're into me that much. That doesn't make you easy." Yoongi chuckled as he shook his head.

He was about to go back in for the kiss but Jimin kept leaning away. Yoongi grasped the sides of his face carefully with both hands, pressing their foreheads together as he kissed the tip of his nose.

"I swear you're not what those assholes at school calling you. You're none of those things." Yoongi spoke quietly. "Let me kiss you, baby." He said.

Jimin almost immediately gave in, allowing Yoongi to reconnect their lips back into the loving kiss.

It only lasted a couple more seconds before they both pulled away laughing softly, Jimin swinging his arms around Yoongi to hug him tightly.

"Thanks for being here for me, and staying by my side through all of this." Jimin whispered in his ear.

"Of course, Jimin. I'd do anything for you." Yoongi answered assuringly.

"Ready for bed?" He asked, and Jimin nodded.

Yoongi stood from the couch, reaching down and carefully scooping Jimin up into his arms, carrying him bridal style towards the stairs as he giggled uncontrollably.

It had to be the cutest thing ever.

"Don't drop me." Jimin mumbled as they approached the stairs, wrapping his arms around his neck tightly.

"I won't." Yoongi smiled as he began ascending the stairs.

Once to the top, he carried Jimin down the hall to his bedroom, shutting the door behind them before laying Jimin onto the bed.

He climbed on top of him, leaning down to kiss on him once more before pulling away.

"You feeling better now?" Yoongi whispered, the both of them smiling softly.

"Yeah." Jimin nodded. Yoongi always made him feel better. No matter what the situation was, the older was always there for him and comforted him when he needed.

That's why he loved him so much.

He got off top of Jimin, laying beside him and holding him close in his arms.

"I wanna take you on another date, Jimin." Yoongi established quietly as they cuddled.

"I want you to trust me again so badly, I'm trying so hard to prove to you that I don't love anyone else but you." He admitted.

"Yoongi?" Jimin mumbled as he turned to face him, their faces so close to each other that the tips of their noses merely touched.

"Hmm?" Yoongi hummed.

"It's not going to happen overnight. I know you want me to badly, but it's going to take time. Believe me, I want to trust you again so bad, but you made it really difficult for me to." He went on.

"I know, I acknowledge that." Yoongi nodded.

"That didn't stop me from loving you, though." Jimin grinned cutely.

Yoongi leaned a bit closer, their foreheads pressed together as he let out a quiet chuckle.

He didn't get the feeling much, but Yoongi thoroughly enjoyed the sudden rush of butterflies fluttering in his tummy after Jimin said that.

"You know I really meant it when I said I wanted to marry you one day." Yoongi teased himself at the embarrassing, yet adorable statement he'd told Jimin in the hospital not too long ago, the smaller laughing at him.

"And I'd definitely say yes if you asked." Jimin assured, simply pecking Yoongi's lips before leaning away.

"Let's go to sleep." He suggested, and Yoongi nodded slowly, his cheeks a pretty hue of rosy pink as Jimin readjusted himself in Yoongi's arms so he could lay his head against his chest.

"Get som rest for me." Yoongi whispered as he gently ran his fingers through Jimin's soft hair.

Jimin was asleep within the next minute, being he was very mentally drained from the day, but Yoongi couldn't quite go to sleep yet.

He just gazed down lovingly at the sleeping boy in his arms, feeling and immense amount of content as he held him tight.

Yoongi would truly hate the day he had to say goodbye to him forever.

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