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That night after Jimin had woken up from his small nap, he noticed Yoongi wasn't in the bedroom anymore, slowly sitting up with a yawn.

He carefully stood up and made his way for the door but as soon as his hand touched the doorknob, somebody else opened. Jimin looked up and met eyes with Yoongi.

"Oh, you're awake now." Yoongi chuckled. "Y-Yeah." Jimin nodded. "Well, my mom made dinner and it's ready now if you're hungry." He informed.

"Okay, I'll be down in a sec." Jimin answered, heading back inside the room to grab his medication from his luggage.

He ventured down the stairs and into the dining room where Yoongi was seated, their parents joining before they started eating. Yoongi found it funny how parents in general just easily became friends with each other.

Jimin downed the two pills he was required to take before munching on a small bite of food. "What should we do tomorrow?" Jimin spoke to Yoongi since their parents were too engaged in conversation to acknowledge their sons.

"My mom says we're all going hiking as a big group on a volcano in the morning but we have to be back down by noon because it's supposed to rain for a couple of hours. Then we're going out to eat somewhere for lunch." Yoongi informed.

"I'm pretty sure they're giving the rest of the day for us two to hang out as well." He added. "Sounds fun." Jimin murmured, slowly chewing his food. "You okay?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah, just...tired." The boy answered. "Seriously, what's wrong? You seem upset all of a sudden." Yoongi lowered his voice so their parents wouldn't head.

"I'll talk to you about it when we go back upstairs, okay?" Jimin responded. "Okay." Yoongi nodded, not bombarding him about it anymore and changing the topic.

He wasn't too talkative the entire time like he always was, Yoongi leading the small conversation anyways until Jimin stated he was full and left back upstairs.

"Is he okay?" Mrs. Park asked. "I dunno." Yoongi shrugged. He quickly finished his food before heading back upstairs to their bedroom. He opened the door and closed it behind him, Jimin sitting on the bed with tears trickling down his face.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?" Yoongi paced over to the bed and sat beside him. "I-It's nothing, really." Jimin uttered. "Jimin, you're crying. Obviously something's wrong?" Yoongi concerned.

"I'm j-just scared, Yoongi." He hiccuped. "I know I still have at least a year, but I could still have a close call like what happened back on the ship." Jimin murmured.

"Jimin, it's going to be okay. Nothing else bad is gonna happen to you-" "Stop telling me that, you don't know that!" Jimin cried, struggling to get in a breath.

"Jimin, breathe." Yoongi, without hesitation, wrapped his arms around the smaller's torso to hug him. Jimin hugged back, his body shaking as he continued to cry.

"Shhh, just breathe." Yoongi whispered, listening to Jimin take little deep breaths. "I don't want you to be scared. I know it's hard to not to, but I'm here for you." Yoongi spoke softly.

"I'm never even going to see you again after this trip." Jimin murmured. Yoongi just kept quiet, rubbing small circles on Jimin's back. "I know, but let's just enjoy our time together and not worry about that anymore." Yoongi suggested.

Jimin leaned away from the hug, sniffling softly as Yoongi peered into his eyes. Nervously, he reached a hand up and carefully wiped a stray tear away from Jimin's face with his thumb.

Jimin was a little taken aback by the small gesture, but it felt nice to receive that sort of affection. Especially from Yoongi, whom he'd started to grow fond of the past few days.

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