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When the bell for lunch rang, Jimin was quick to get to his locker so he could grab his lunch bag and the cupcake Yoongi had bought for him.

He waited patiently at his locker for Yoongi, Jungkook joining him as he did so.

"Is he doing anything special for you later on?" Jungkook wondered.

"I'm not really sure. All he told me was that he got a gift for me he thinks I'll really like. More surprises for me I guess." Jimin laughed.

"That's sweet. Now I have to plan something cool for Taehyung's birthday. It's not until December though." Jungkook said.

"Jimin?" He heard Yoongi calling his name from the near distance, turning around to see him approaching.

"I'll see you later." Jungkook waved before leaving to head to the cafeteria to meet the rest of their friends.

"Hey, wanna eat outside? It's not that cold today...and I kinda just want to sit with you alone." Yoongi wondered shyly, mindlessly fidgeting with the zipper of his jacket.

"Sure." Jimin smiled adorably, Yoongi taking the boy by the hand to lead him towards the door to go outside.

Yoongi took him to the field behind the school, the trees lining the outside of the large opening a vibrant array of yellows, reds and oranges as the sun shined.

They sat on the soft grass against a large tree near the edge of the field closer to the school's side, Yoongi's prominent grasp remaining on Jimin's hand until the younger spoke up.

"Yoongi, I'm not gonna run away from you." He giggled as he held up their intertwined fingers.

"Sorry." Yoongi promptly let go, his face easily heating up from embarrassment.

"You seem so much more shy lately. What's up?" Jimin rose an eyebrow.

"I'm always like this, what're you talking about?" Yoongi shook his head as he took a sip from the bottle of sparkling cider in his hand.

"No, you've been like this since you asked me to the homecoming dance." Jimin laughed again at Yoongi's blushing face.

"Okay, I'll stop teasing you." Jimin continued to smile to himself as he started to eat his lunch, not wanting to make Yoongi uncomfortable.

They remained quiet for a while as they ate their food, until Yoongi decided he couldn't stand the silence much longer.

"Jimin?" He started, Jimin humming in response as if to tell him to continue speaking.

"I think it's because I can't fully grasp the idea that you're my boyfriend." Yoongi laughed nervously as he answered Jimin's prior question.

"What do you mean by that?" Jimin asked as he turned to face Yoongi, the older peering off into the distance to avoid eye contact.

"I mean, you're so pretty, everyone here thinks you are. You're smart, you have the sweetest personality ever. Even after moving to a new school with so many other guys who are cooler and more good-looking than me, you're still in love with me." Yoongi shook his head slightly.

"I'm so average compared to most of the other guys here. I'm not that cool to be honest, like come on, I think taking pictures is fun." Yoongi laughed bitterly.

"Why do you like me so much? I don't get it." He concluded.

"Yoongi..." Jimin was at a loss for words hearing that come from him.

Yoongi finally turned to face him, noticing how hurt Jimin's expression was.

"How could you think that about yourself?" Jimin murmured, and Yoongi simply shrugged, looking down at his lap.

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