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Yoongi didn't know how, but the second he woke up from his nap, he knew he wasn't in his bed cuddling Jimin in his arms anymore.

He squinted slightly at the lights shining from the ceiling before noticing two paramedics by his side and the fact that he was in a moving vehicle, an ambulance to be specific.

"What's going on?" He grumbled tiredly. "Someone answer my question." He demanded, about to get up but his arms and legs were restrained to the stretcher to prevent any movement.

Then he started to get angry because he had no idea what was going on.

The two paramedics simply glanced at each other.

"We'll let you know as soon as we arrive at the hospital." One said.

They arrived within the next minutes, the paramedics quick to open the back doors and begin carefully carrying the stretcher out the vehicle.

Yoongi was quick to spot Jimin standing with both of their parents. Yoongi's mother was crying, and so was Jimin. That's all it took for Yoongi to somewhat realize what was happening, but he still felt the need to ask questions.

"What's going on? Jimin what the fuck did you do?!" Yoongi shouted as he passed them by, Jimin quick to follow inside behind them.

"P-Please don't hate me." Jimin hiccuped as he walked beside the stretcher.

"What's going on?" Yoongi yelled angrily.

"You've been intervened, Yoongi. There was enough evidence to prove that you were putting your life in danger so you'll be on suicide watch for 72 hours." A nurse explained.

"What?!" He continued to yell before glaring at Jimin.

"Why the fuck would you do this?! I told you I was fine!" He had no control of his anger.

"I'm s-sorry, but I-I had to." Jimin hiccuped. "Please, p-please don't hate m-me for this." He begged.

"Fuck you! I fucking hate you! You're crazy!" Yoongi raged, violently kicking his feet and attempting to yank his hands away from the restraints.

"I-I'm sorry." Was all Jimin felt he could keep saying.

It was so painful to witness.

"Fuck you, Jimin! Why would you do this to me?!" Yoongi continued, tears of anger rushing from his eyes as another nursed rushed over with a syringe.

"What is that?" Yoongi's eyes widened at the sizable needle.

The nurse reached in to inject it but Yoongi's meltdown worsened as he started yelling and attempting bite her as his only defense mechanism in that situation.

The other nurse tried to hold him down but it was no use, so a security guard hand to restrain him by his neck.

Yoongi had never felt so powerless in that moment. The last time he was caught self harming, it didn't go nearly as bad as this was. So he started to scream at that point, just scream the rest of his bottled up emotions out as he felt the needle prick into his arm.

Jimin turned his head away as he continued to cry because he had no satisfaction in watching the entire ordeal take place.

"W-What was that?" Jimin asked the nurse as he followed her to Yoongi's room.

"A sedative, he should be out for the rest of the night. We only use that in extreme cases like this." She explained to Jimin and his parents.

"Because of his outburst, we're not only going to keep him on suicide watch but he'll have to have an even stricter psych evaluation on Friday before he's allowed to leave." The women finished before leaving Yoongi's hospital room.

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