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"Yoongi, where are we even going?" Jimin wondered as they entered Yoongi's bedroom.

"Well, you said you wanted to see all the cool things here in Seoul, so I'll show you something tonight. But we have to wait until it gets dark enough." Yoongi explained.

"Great, now I'm all anxious and curious to know." The boy giggled.

"You'll love it, trust me." Yoongi nodded.

The two laid beside each other on Yoongi's bed, quiet as the television in his room played in the background.

"Yoongi?" Jimin began, turning slightly to face him.

Yoongi turned on his side, looking Jimin in the eyes as the boy let out a heavy sigh.

"What is it, baby?" Yoongi asked.

"There's going to be a time where things are going to get bad for regarding my illness." Jimin murmured.

"How so?" Yoongi questioned.

"My doctors told me their patients with the same illness as me usually had to be hospitalized a month before they actually died because the symptoms got  so bad." Jimin explained.

"I don't know, it might even happen before then, things might get worse for me quicker because I'm younger. My doctor told me it's going to be really hard for me to breathe then, and my lungs are going to constantly keep being filled with fluids." His voice started to waver slightly.

"I'm really scared for when that happens. I don't want it to happen." Jimin shook his head as a few tears fell from his eyes.

"Shh, I know, but please don't worry so much. I'll be by your side the entire time, I promise." Yoongi whispered.

"I'm s-sorry, Yoongi." He hiccuped.

"Why're you sorry? You didn't do anything." Yoongi's tone softened.

"Because you're gonna be in so much pain when I'm gone. I don't want to put you through that." Jimin shook his head.

"Jimin, it's just like losing any loved one. I know it's going to hurt, a lot, but there's nothing I can do about it. Don't feel guilty because of that." Yoongi said, and Jimin hummed quietly in response.

"Let's not think about that now, m'kay?" He suggested, and Jimin nodded.


Once it was finally dark out that evening after the two ate dinner, Yoongi established that now was the perfect time to take him where he wanted.

Jimin made sure he had his nasal cannula with him, waiting patiently in the living for Yoongi to come back downstairs from his bedroom.

After a while, the older finally made it down, sliding a backpack on as he waved for Jimin to follow him.

They exited the house into the chilly October night, getting into Yoongi's car to begin their late night adventure. Yoongi switched the heater onto its lower setting, just to keep them the perfect amount of warmth as he stared the drive to the destination.

"You plan on going to the dance tomorrow?" Yoongi asked.

"I don't know. I don't think I will." Jimin shook his head.

"Aww, why not? Everyone else is going to be there and want you to come." Yoongi pouted slightly.

Jimin shrugged, the two momentarily peering at each other before Jimin looked away and out the window.

"I don't want to talk about it." He reasoned.

"Baby, nobody's going to mess with you anymore-"

"It's not about that Yoongi!" Jimin snapped.

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