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That Monday at school, Jimin was seemingly more happy, only because his birthday was the next day. He was happy for a lot of reasons, but more so considering he would be living to see it.

Though, his symptoms were slowly beginning to worsen, and it was mainly shortness of breath or constant fatigue.

On a good note, he did get his prescription changed to something a little stronger than what he was taking before, so now he didn't have to worry about those terrifying hallucinations anymore.

Jimin was currently at his locker retrieving his lunch bag to head to the cafeteria when Jin approached him, but the older teen didn't appear to be too happy.

"Hey, is everything okay?" Jimin wondered.

"Why'd you have to sleep with him?" Jin let out, Jimin noticing that there were tears in his eyes.

"J-Jin what's-"

"He moaned your fucking name last night, don't act like you don't know what the fuck is going on." Jin shook his head.

"He's still so into you, Jimin. Why couldn't you find another way to get over Yoongi when you were mad at him?!" He he shouted, the tears finally falling from his eyes.

"What?! You're the one who encouraged me and this was way before you even wanted to be in a relationship with him? Why are you blaming me?!" Jimin frowned.

"You literally used him for sex for god knows how many years and couldn't even take a hint he had actual feelings for you-" Jimin gasped sharply as he felt Jin's hand swiftly meet his cheek, eyes tearing up from the stining sensation rushing through the side of his face.

"Woah, what the hell is going on?" They both heard Namjoon approaching, Yoongi following beside him.

"Maybe Ueuhara w-was right about you." Jin hiccuped.

"What?" Jimin breathed out, his head spinning at the idea.

"Jin, what the hell are you talking about?" Yoongi frowned deeply.

"Ask him for yourself-" "He already knows what happened between Namjoon and I. And Namjoon knows I regretted doing it because there was no way I was going to get over Yoongi. I'm not t-trying to take him from you." Jimin was trying to resist his tears, but it was terribly difficult.

"Jin, can we please talk?" Namjoon stopped Jin before he could say anything else, holding out his hand for him to take.

Jin shook his head, more tears spilling from his eyes.

"Please?" Namjoon murmured, and hesitantly, Jin held his hand, Namjoon leading him away.

Yoongi turned back to look at Jimin, the younger finally allowing himself to breakdown.

"Shhh, don't cry." Yoongi shook his head as he pulled the smaller into his arms tightly.

"I d-didn't mean to mess things up between them." Jimin sniffled.

"You didn't, I promise. Namjoon was literally just telling me he knew he made a mistake. You didn't do anything wrong." Yoongi said.

"He's getting over you now that he realized he has stronger feelings for Jin. Things will work itself out." He assured.

"W-What if Ueuhara i-is right though?" Jimin cried.

"He's not. He's long gone and we're going to forget about whatever he said about you." Yoongi nodded, trying his best to calm Jimin down.

The two decided to go sit outside on the grass located near the football field. It was there little spot they typically went to because nobody else sat there outside.

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