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After school that day, Jimin headed to his locker to grab his jacket, Yoongi meeting him there.

"I wish we had classes together." Yoongi pouted slightly as Jimin began turning the dial to unlock his locker.

"Me too, but I'd be distracted the whole time." Jimin shrugged as he set his back pack down, reaching into his locker to grab his jacket and slid it on.

Yoongi simply stared at the boy in adoration as he adjusted his beanie slightly, the two meeting gazes.

"And you seem like you'd be really distracted too." Jimin giggled as he swung his arms around Yoongi's neck.

"You're right." He chuckled quietly before pecking the boy's lips quickly.

Jimin let go to grab his backpack and his other bag before he followed Yoongi to front door so they could leave for the day.

They stopped by Jimin's house so that the boy could pack an overnight bag since he'd be staying with Yoongi that night, obviously.

"Where are we going for our date?" Jimin asked curiously as he sat in the passenger seat, turning to face Yoongi.

"You'll see when we get there." Yoongi responded as he started the drive to their destination.


About thirty minutes later, they arrived at a movie theater. Jimin knew exactly why they were there too.

Yoongi had taken to notice that lately, Jimin had been into romance movies, which was almost ironic because he was already experiencing his dream relationship and didn't really need those types of movies to fill that void anymore. But Jimin still liked them nonetheless and Yoongi was taking him to see one that had just been released.

"I think I can already guess what movie we're seeing." Jimin smiled giddily as they entered the building, the smell of popcorn immediately making him hungry for the savory snack.

"What do you think we're seeing?" Yoongi smirked.

"That romance movie that just came out. Come on, you sure you don't wanna see something else? You hate romance movies." Jimin wondered.

Yoongi reached over and held Jimin's hand, shaking his head as he led them towards the line for the ticket counter.

"And you love them. It's your birthday, not mine. I'm doing this all for you." He reminded the boy, smiling faint as he turned to look at him, Jimin smiling back.

Yoongi purchased their tickets before they made their way to the concession counter buy snacks. Jimin chose a bag of cookies and a strawberry slushy whilst Yoongi opted for a regular fountain drink and a medium popcorn, which he knew he'd likely end up sharing with Jimin.

They entered the their designated theater, Yoongi choosing the top row to sit because nobody else was up there.

Surprisingly, it was only them, a small group of friends sitting towards the bottom and another couple sitting a few rows down from the top.

The film stared after the typical upcoming movie trailers, Yoongi seemingly unable to focus on the screen. Jimin was intrigued from the start, not uttering a single word to Yoongi after it had began.

The older found himself peeking glances at the younger every so often as the movie went on, his glimmering eyes too focused on the screen to notice Yoongi admiring his presence.

His short peeks turned into stared that lasted at least a minute at a time until Jimin was finally about to reach over and steal from his popcorn bowl, but noticed Yoongi's eyes on him instead.

Something about the adorable smile that grew across Jimin's face in that moment made Yoongi want to burst.

"Can I?" Jimin whispered quietly as he pointed to the popcorn, and Yoongi nodded. He hadn't even touched it since the movie stared so at this point he didn't care if Jimin ate the whole thing.

Jimin only ate a little bit of it before sipping his slushy, murmuring that it was too salty for him to eat anyways.

After a while, Yoongi observed how Jimin, purposely, left his hand on the armrest so that Yoongi could reach over and hold it.

Now, Yoongi normally would, but something about this moment in particular made the older teen's heart lurch at idea of holding his hand right now, especially at this moment in the movie where the two everyone was rooting for finally seemed like they were about to get together.

Just hold his hand, Yoongi. It's not that hard, you do it all the time. He mentally scolded himself. It was true, he held Jimin's hand daily, so why was now of all times making his nerves uneasy?

He swallowed a sip of the fizzy drink from his cup to calm himself down slightly, looking back over at Jimin before he reached his hand over and interlaced their fingers together.

Out of embarrassment he looked away, but he knew Jimin was looking at him at that moment. His nervousness was deteriorated when he felt the boy's thumb gently rubbing his palm, finally getting the courage to glance back at him.

Though it was dark, Yoongi could tell he was blushing, and he was too of course. Yoongi couldn't maintain eye contact for more than three seconds before he looked back down into his lap.

He heard Jimin giggle softly before he felt the smaller's lips briefly make contact with his cheek. At that point Yoongi couldn't hold himself back.

He stood up just Jimin took the final sip of his strawberry slushy, grabbing the boy by his hand and pulling him towards the stairs.

Jimin couldn't quite protest yet until they were out in the hallway.

"Yoongi, the movie isn't over yet-" "It had two minutes left and it's very obvious nothing else really happened after that scene." Yoongi shook his head.

"So?! I still wanted to-" Jimin couldn't even finish the sentence because Yoongi had pulled him closer by his waist and pressed their lips together.

It was a gesture that always made Jimin stop talking because it made him nervous, in a good way of course.

He swung his arms around Yoongi's neck, gladly kissing him back just as passionately. Jimin could tell Yoongi had wanted to do this the entire movie but he was working up the courage to do so.

"Yoongi, people can see us." Jimin whispered against his lips.

"Good, then that means they can see how much I love you." Yoongi whispered back before reconnecting their lips. Jimin thought his heart would explode from that sentence alone.

The kiss only lasted a few more seconds after that, though Jimin secretly wished Yoongi would've kept kissing him.

He blinked a couple of times as they both stared into each other's eyes lovingly until Yoongi tightened his arms around him into a hug, resting his chin upon the top of Jimin's head.

"I hate romance movies, with a passion, but that one was cute. I'm not gonna lie." Yoongi admitted.

"Softie." Jimin laughed quietly.

Jimin let go of Yoongi, grabbing his hand as they headed towards the door.

"There's one more place I wanted to take you before going back to my house for the night." Yoongi said as they exited the building.

"It's getting dark though." Jimin noticed.

"I know, that's the point. You'll see when we get there." Yoongi winked

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