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As the weeks went on, Jimin paid very close attention to seemingly everything Yoongi would say or do that could possibly hint he was harming himself again.

Ever since he learned that little detail about Yoongi's past, it was all he could ever worry about.

But Yoongi seemed so much happier now then he did weeks ago, so the boy was beginning to accuse himself of over-analyzing and being paranoid for no reason.

In the long run, it'd be a good thing that he was.

It was mid-November, and things felt like they were slowing down. Life was starting to feel to perfect all over again to Jimin.

Something bad always was bound to happen when it started to feel like everything was going right.

Jimin was currently spending time with Jungkook, who was still recovering from the procedure he had done a couple of days prior. He'd decided not keep because he wasn't ready to have a kid.

As much as Taehyung seemed supportive, neither of them were in the right positions to be taking care of one at their age. But, it was something they both obviously wanted in the future so Taehyung didn't take Jungkook's decision personally at all.

"I just feel bad, Jiminie. I feel like he's really upset with me for choosing that." Jungkook murmured as he pulled his blanket over his body more.

"He's not mad at you, trust me. Taehyung promised you he'd be there no matter what choice you made, right?" He asked and Jungkook nodded.

"Then you shouldn't be worried." Jimin concluded. "Has he visited you?" Jimin wondered.

"Yeah, and he's coming over later too." Jungkook said.

"How's Yoongi been, y'know, since his breakdown a while back?" The boy peered over at Jimin.

"I dunno, he seems so much happier now, but I can't help but sense that there's still something very wrong and he won't tell me." Jimin admitted.

"You try asking him about it again?" Jungkook suggested.

"He gets defensive if I do." Jimin sighed.

Jungkook hesitated for a moment before asking this next question.


"Has Yoongi ever told you that he, well, used to self harm?" He brought up.

"Yeah." Jimin nodded sadly. "Do you know how? Just so I know what to look for." He murmured.

"Yoongi would cut himself, but they were never big cuts which is why we never noticed at first. They never scarred so it was hard to confront him about it." Jungkook explained.

"You need to tell someone immediately if you ever catch him doing that to himself." He insisted.

"I don't know how to help him, Jungkook. He thinks nobody likes him and he says he feels lonely all the time." Jimin brought up another thing.

"I know he's probably told you this, but before you got here, none of us were purposely excluding him like he may have made it seem like. For a while, he would usually decline when we asked if he wanted to hang out. He was just in a dark place at and wanted to keep to himself for sometime. That's why we stopped inviting him places in general until we felt like maybe he was ready to include himself again." The boy thoroughly explained.

"Well that makes sense now." Jimin let out, feeling the urge to cry. He had no idea Yoongi had been through that much and probably would've never found out until it was too late.

"Thanks for telling me." Jimin smiled faintly at his friend.

"No problem. I think it's just important that you know." Jungkook responded.

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