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That Monday at school was absolutely terrible for Jimin.

He didn't want to go, at all, but his mother didn't want him to stay home in bed all day and cry like he'd done for the past two days.

She dropped him off at school, the boy avoiding the gazes of students as soon as he entered the building. Word has spread like wildfire about what had happened at the party.

People weren't staring in a mean, intimidating, but in more of a concerned stare. It was such an upsetting thing to hear.

Jimin stood near his locker, wiping the stray tears from his face every few minutes as he pretended he was putting things away, but in reality he just didn't want to go to class.

"Oh, you came to school today." Jimin heard Jungkook as the boy approached him. All he had to do was get one look at Jimin to tell he was doing horribly mentally.

His eyes were red and puffy, and his face was flushed from crying so much. He'd started to develop dark circles as well from lack of sleep as well.

"You doing okay, y'know, since the breakup?" He asked.

Jimin slowly shook his head, fighting back tears. "It really hurts." Jimin admitted. "Feels like the world is swallowing me whole." He went on.

"I was so convinced that Yoongi wasn't like other boys. He treated me so well, Jungkook, and I love him so much. Why did I have to be so naïve?" Jimin let the tears fall.

"Aw, shhhh, it's going to be alright." Jungkook hugged him. He looked up and saw Yoongi standing at his locker nearby, a pained expression worn on his face.

Jungkook glared at him, hating the older so much for doing that to Jimin. He hated seeing his best friend this sad.

"I told you, Yoongi it's stupid sometimes. I'm not excusing what he did, it was terrible, but I know he regrets it so much." He explained.

"I mean come on, you're so much better than Hoseok. He must not have been thinking straight." Jungkook tried.

"I d-don't care if it was one o-of those stupid 'in the heat of the moment' things. He still cheated with someone who he broke up with and bullied me since the day I got here." Jimin hiccuped.

"Things will get better, I know it will. But you have to learn to trust Yoongi again. I know it'll be harder to believe this time, but Yoongi really does love you." Jungkook reminded.

"Let's go to class, okay? Art always makes me feel better." He suggested, and Jimin nodded, following Jungkook to art class.


At lunch time, Yoongi continued to get angry looks from a few of his peers as he wandered the halls to find Jimin.

The boy was retrieving his lunch bag from his locker, and the same saddened look had remained on his face.

He hesitantly approached Jimin, the boy flinching when he noticed Yoongi standing beside him.

"Jimin, can I talk to you, please?" He asked softly.

"I don't want to talk to you ever again." Jimin shook his head.

"Baby, please-"

"Don't call me that." The boy cut him off.

"I promise I'll never let that happen again, you have to trust me." Yoongi reached his hand over to grab Jimin's, but he quickly pulled it away to prevent Yoongi from touching him.

"D-Do you even understand how much it hurts, Yoongi?" Jimin tilted his head. "You don't, that's the problem." He started to tear up.

"Jimin, I really love you, and I don't know how many times I'll have to apologize until you believe me, but I do." Yoongi spoke sincerely.

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