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The next morning, Jimin and Yoongi both woke up around the same time, Jimin the first to realize they'd indeed fell asleep in each other's arms. He didn't even remember switching sides to lay next to him, assuming that maybe he was half asleep when he did so.

Jimin looked up into Yoongi eyes, the older blinking a few times before Jimin giggled softly. It pained Yoongi how adorable the boy was, smiling faintly at his little giggles.

"I don't wanna get out of bed." Jimin whispered. "I just wanna stay right here..." He yawed quietly, placing his head back against Yoongi's chest. He leaned his head up to look at him, Yoongi a blushing mess.

"You're really warm, Yoongi. Like a big teddy bear." Jimin murmured, sounding a bit muffled. "You're so cute." Yoongi awed quietly, Jimin simply laughing.

"No, but we do have to get up and get ready now." Yoongi said, letting go of Jimin to stand up but the smaller's hold on him became tighter.

"Just a couple more minutes." Jimin whispered. "Fine." Yoongi chuckled, swinging his arms back around Jimin to hold him close.

He gently combed Jimin fingers through Jimin's hair, the boy peering into his eyes contently.

Eventually, they did get up and got ready individually. Yoongi wore a plain black long sleeve and a pair of black shorts, opting for his black sneakers and a bucket hat.

"I don't know, Yoongi. You're dressed pretty straight to me." Jimin laughed upon seeing him. "Oh, shut up." Yoongi playfully flicked his forehead.

Jimin was wearing a pastel mint greet t-shirt, along with a pastel pink pair of overall shorts today and his white sneakers. "Geez, how many pairs of overalls do you own?" Yoongi asked.

"A lot, their my favorite clothing item." Jimin laughed. There was a small knock on the bedroom door, Jimin's mother peaking her head in. "Jimin you need to wear your cannula today since we're gonna be walking a lot." She reminded.

Jimin pouted a little, wishing he didn't have to. He grabbed his mini backpack containing it, Yoongi making sure he had his camera before they headed downstairs to eat breakfast.

Yoongi just had some fruit, not too hungry for anything heavier. Jimin ate a chocolate chip muffin with a cup of yogurt, humming softly at the yummy taste.

"You're not hungry for anything else?" Jimin wondered. "No, I'm okay." Yoongi said.

"You two seem to be getting along really well." Jimin's father sat on the other side the counter with them. "Yes, Yoongi is really nice." Jimin beamed.

"That's great." Mr. Park smiled at Yoongi. Soon, they started heading out of the house, Jimin making sure he had his nasal cannula on before they left.

They took a shuttle to Mauna Loa, the volcano they would be hiking up. Yoongi was ecstatic, of course, because of all the nice pictures he would get.

Once they arrived, their parents paid for their entry before they started the hike, Yoongi getting lost in his own little world as they stayed along the path.

Their parents walked ahead of them, Jimin walking beside Yoongi as he continued to stop and snap photos. "Yoongi, we're gonna get behind." Jimin warned but the older ignored him.

Jimin walked over to Yoongi and grabbed his hand, keeping him from stopping. Yoongi blushed a little as Jimin interlaced their fingers together, both of them noticeably flustered.

He never let go though because he really enjoyed holding hands with Yoongi.

Yoongi took out his camera with his other hand, holding it up towards Jimin. "Smile." He said, Jimin facing the camera and flashing his pretty smile. Yoongi took the photo, letting it print and placing it in the bag.

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