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Despite the mildness of Jimin's cold, it took him nearly two weeks to fully recover. It was a terrifying two weeks, especially for Yoongi. It was like the worst deja vu, remembering back to when the boy was in a coma for two weeks. It was the two scariest moments he'd experienced this year. Maybe in his entire life. He loved Jimin more than anything on the Earth and wouldn't know how to cope if he lost him too soon.

It was now December, and Yoongi felt like time was going by way too fast. He refused to believe he only had six months remaining with Jimin. The older boy was warned multiple times by Jimin not to get so attached because it was really going to hurt when he was gone, but Yoongi couldn't help it. It was nearly impossible not to fall in love with him so quickly. The feeling wasn't going to disappear no matter what.

Jimin could tell Yoongi was starting to feel down about it again, but there was nothing he could necessarily do about it. There wasn't really a way to reassure Yoongi that things would be fine because he was going to die no matter what. He especially couldn't get his hopes up about the operation because it still hadn't saved anyone with his condition.

As of now, Jimin was currently staying at Yoongi's as he always did on most weekends. Yoongi loved Fridays so much, dropping Jimin at home momentarily so he could pack a few things before coming back to his car excitedly to head to his house for the next couple of days. The two, as much as it seemed like it, didn't really see each other as much during the week.

Lately they had been because of so many recurring conflicts, but because things had calmed down in their lives once again, their schedules had gone back to normal. Yoongi didn't run into Jimin at school much until lunch and the end of the day. Sometimes they'd cross paths in the hall, but it's be a quick simple exchange of tiny waves or a hug and that was all.

Yoongi couldn't help but keep his thoughts fixated on Jimin most of the day, though. He still kept his grades up, however, it was very easy for him to get sidetracked in his mind, always wondering how Jimin was currently feeling, what he wanted to do with the boy over the weekend, what he was going to get the boy for Christmas and even what their next date could possibly be.

He was just that much in love with him.

The two had just ate dinner rather early that evening, Yoongi laying on the couch in the living room while Jimin was finishing up taking a shower and getting into his pajamas, which, since the weather was colder, now consisted of one of Yoongi's hoodies that was slightly too big for him and a pair of baggy sweatpants.

Yoongi didn't even hear the younger enter the living room, his eyes drifting from the tv once he noticed him standing near the doorway. His heart slightly fluttered just looking at how effortlessly adorably he appeared. His features were just so soft, that and his overall personality, he was just too cute to handle at times.

"Come here, don't just keep standing there." Yoongi laughed to himself as Jimin sheepishly ambled over to the couch and sat beside him.

"You feeling okay? You've been pretty quiet since we got here earlier." He had noticed, Jimin shrugging a little, seemingly avoiding eye contact with his boyfriend sitting before him.

Yoongi lifted his hands up to caress Jimin's face, making the boy look up at him so he could gaze into his eyes. It was hard to sense his emotion at that moment, but it almost seemed like Jimin was worrisome too.

"I'm fine, Yoongi. I just...I've been more concerned about you lately..." Jimin answered.

"Why?" Yoongi asked out of pure curiosity, though he knew well enough he'd been acting a little off his rocker the past few days.

"You seem sad again. I know you were really scared for me when I caught a cold, but it was not as bad as we expected, remember? I recovered pretty well." Jimin tried to explain his worries.

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