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"What do you wanna do now? I mean, there's really not much to do." Yoongi asked once's they arrived at his house.

"Cuddles?" Jimin mumbled.

"Of course." Yoongi smiled, taking Jimin upstairs by the hand to head to his bedroom.

He laid on his bed and yawned sleepily, patting the spot beside him for Jimin to lay down beside him, though Jimin climbed onto his lap instead and laid himself onto Yoongi's upper body.

"You're too damn cute." Yoongi laughed to himself as he secured his arms around the smaller.

"Call me that again." Jimin lifted his head slightly to look down into Yoongi's eyes.

"Cutie." He whispered, Jimin simply pecking his lips before climbing off of Yoongi and laying beside him.

"I like when you call me little nicknames." Jimin giggled softly.

"Which is you're favorite?" Yoongi wondered.

"Baby, even though you rarely call me that anymore." The boy pouted.

"Aww, I'm sorry. I thought maybe you'd think it was cringey so I stopped a little bit." Yoongi explained.

"No, I love that name. It makes me feel more like I belong to you." Jimin said shyly as he avoided eye contact.

"Look at me, baby." Yoongi whispered as he placed his index finger beneath his chin, making Jimin look at him.

He placed a tiny kiss onto his lips before they both pulled away laughing softly.

"M'sleepy." Jimin whispered.

"Go to sleep then, Jimin." Yoongi insisted.

"I wanna keep talking, though." Jimin pouted, going quiet for a moment before speaking up again.

"I think that...maybe I'll try the operation." He began.

Yoongi's eyes widened slightly.

"Are you sure? You said there was no point." Yoongi recalled.

"Well, like you said, I never really know until I try it." The boy shrugged. "But I don't have strong hopes in it. A tiny part of me is hoping it works, the majority knows it's not." He said.

"Well, I do have high hopes." Yoongi countered.

"You shouldn't." Jimin shook his head.

"Why do you say that, hmm?" Yoongi propped his head up on his hand as he looked down at Jimin with a concerned expression.

"Because there's barely a chance it's actually going to work. I don't know why you're so hopeful." The boy laughed bitterly.

"Because I just want for you to be okay in the end, that's all-" "Well, I'm not, that's just not going to happen! Why can't you realize that?!" Jimin raised his voice, getting up from Yoongi's bed and heading towards the bathroom.

"Jimin, come on..." Yoongi followed, but Jimin had already shut and lock the door.

"Fuck..." Jimin murmured as tears began to spill from his eyes.

"Baby, please open the door. I don't wanna argue with you." Yoongi tried.

It took a few minutes, but Jimin finally opened the door, beginning to cry harder as Yoongi pulled him into his arms.

"I-I'm sorry-" "No, shhh, don't apologize, Jimin." Yoongi shook his head.

"I j-just hate t-thinking about w-what's going to happen to me. I-I hate it so much." Jimin cried.

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