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Later on that evening, after Jimin had finished dinner with his parents, he laid in his bed to relax for the night, opting to binge another show on his laptop.

Though Jimin didn't get far into the first episode before his phone started to ring. He frowned slightly seeing that it was Yoongi's number, only because he'd only told the boy to call if something went wrong while he was away until his parents got back home.

"Hey, everything okay?" Jimin answered the call, sitting up on his bed as he heard Yoongi's muffled sobs.

"Yoongi, what's wrong?" He worried.

"J-Jimin can I spend the night with y-you? M-My parents won't be home tonight and I-I can't stay here by myself. I j-just really n-need you right now and I c-can't-"

"Yoongi, it's okay. Of course you can come spend the night. I'll be waiting for you, m'kay?" Jimin assured.

"O-Okay." Yoongi answered before hanging up.

Jimin got up from his bed and headed downstairs to the foyer, standing by the door until Yoongi arrived.

"Everything okay?" His mother wondered as her and his father were both headed upstairs to their room for the night.

"Yeah, Yoongi's just...he's going through a lot emotionally right now and he really needs me. He's spending the night." Jimin explained.

"It's starting to hit him, isn't it?" His father assumed and Jimin nodded.

"Alright, if you two ever need to talk to us about it, let us know, alright?" Mrs. Park said and Jimin nodded before they disappeared up the stairs.

Yoongi finally arrived after a few more minutes, Jimin already able to tell that he was crying as he made his way up to the door.

He opened it and let Yoongi in, closing the door and locking it as the older took off his shoes and jacket.

Jimin absolutely hated seeing Yoongi cry like this. It was just too painful to watch him.

"J-Jimin-" "Shhh, let's go upstairs." Jimin took him by the hand and led him upstairs to his bedroom.

Jimin shut the door behind him, gently caressing Yoongi's face to wipe some of the tears away.

"It's okay, Yoongi, I'm here." Jimin murmured as he he swung his arms around his neck to hug him, Yoongi securely wrapping his arms around Jimin's waist tightly to hug him back

He closed his eyes, wincing internally as he listened to him sob into his shoulder.

"I got you, it's going to be okay." Jimin whispered, his comforting words only making Yoongi cry harder.

He slowly led Yoongi over to the bed, moving his laptop out of the way before sitting down.

"Here, come lay down." Jimin instructed.

Yoongi laid down beside him, his sobs subsiding away to quiet sniffles as Jimin held him close, Jimin pressing small kisses onto his face every few seconds.

"I-I'm sorry, this i-is probably annoying for you." Yoongi sighed.

"No, it's okay, Yoongi. Let it all out." Jimin encouraged, letting Yoongi continue to cry.

Eventually, Yoongi finally stared to calm down, his tight grasp remaining around Jimin though.

"Breathe, Yoongi, it's going to be alright." Jimin assured. "Did something happen? What got you this upset, hmm?" He asked.

"You can be honest with me. I won't judge you no matter what." He carefully made Yoongi look him in the eyes.

"I d-don't want to talk about it." Yoongi murmured.

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